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partie occupyand the ground pretendis for him: And gif the Schireffe findis na reason in the occupation of the grounde, the Schireffe sall devoyde the grounde baith of him and his gudes: And charge him in the Kingis name, that he make na mair distroublance to the Lorde nor his ground in time cumming, under the paine of the Kingis Waird. And gif he dois ony thing there attour, foorth-with till arreist his person, and lende him to the Kingis Waird.

79. The Justice to take inquisition of sornares, bairdes, feinzied fuiles, and maisterfull beggares in all Justice aires.

ITEM, The Lords thinkis speedefull, that in all Justice aires, the Kingis Justice gar take inquisition of sornares, bairdes, maisterfull beggers, or feinzied fuiles & outher banish them the cuntrie, or send them to the Kingis prison.

80. To saw broome and make hedges.

ITEM, Anent plantation of woodes and hedges, and Tawing of broome: The Lords thinkis speedeful, that the King charge all his free-halders baith Spirituall and Temporal, that in the making of their Whit-Sundays set, they statute and ordaine, that all their tennentes plant wooddes and trees, and make hedges, and saw broome, after the faculties of their maillinges, in place convenient therefore, under sik paine as law and unlaw of the Barone or Lord sall modifie.

81. Of sawing of quheate, pease and beanes.

ITEM, Anent the sawing of Quheate, Pease, and Beanes: It is seene speedefull, that ilk man earand with a pleuch of aught Oxen, sall saw at the least ilk zeir, ane firlot of quheate, half ane firlot of pease, and xl. beanes, under the paine often shillinges to the Barronne of that land, that he dwellis in, als oft as he beis founden faultise. And gif the Barronne sawis not the said corne in his domaines, he sall pay to the King, ten shillings: And gif the Barronne beis founden negligent in the receiving of that paine fra his husbandes, there sall be raised on him fourtie shillinges, als oft as he defaultis, without remission of the King.

82. That na man cum to Courtes bot in sober wise.

ITEM, It is ordained and decreeted, that in all Justice aires, Schireffe Courtes, and generally all Courtes of Spiritual and Temporal, that all persones, Free-halders, and all utheris of the Kingis lieges, sall cum thereto in sober and quiet maner. And that na man bring with him maa persones then ar in his dailie houshald and familiars. And fra he be cummin to his Innes, he and they sall lay their weapons and armour fra them (gif they bring ony with them) and use na weapons for that time bot his knife. And gif ony man be feeded, and alieagis feede, or dreade of ony partie, the Schireffe fall furth-with of baith take lawburrowes, and for bid them in the Kingis name to trouble the Kingis peace, under the paine of Lawe. The quhilk paine the King sall execute without remission, upon the breakers of the peace fore-said. And if the Shireffe be negligent there in, he sall be punished after the forme of the statute maide of the reformation of the faults of Officiates, within theRealme.

83. Of making of Hedges.

ITEM, That na man make hedges of dry staikes, rice or stickes, orzit of hewen wood, bot allanerly of lyand wood.

84. Anent wild foules, and foules of riese.

ITEM, Anentis birdes and wilde foules, that gainis to eate for die sustentation of man, as Pertrickes, Plovares, and sik like foules: It is ordained, that na man destroy their nestes, nor their egges, nor zit slaye wild-fowles in mouting time, quhen they may not flie. And that all men after their power destroy nestes and egges of birdes, and foules of riese.

ITEM, Anent ruikes, crawes, and uther foules of riese, as eirnes, bissettes, gleddes, mittalles, the quhilk destroyis baith cornes and wilde foules, sik as pertrickes, plovares, and utheris. And as to the ruikes and crawes biggand in orchardes, trees, and uther places: It is seene speedeful, that they that sik trees perteinis to, let them to big, and destroy them with all their power, and in na waies that their birdes flee awaie. And quhair it is tainted that they big, and their birdes flee, and the neste be founden in the trees at Beltane: the trees sall be faulted to the King: bot gif they be redeemed fra him be them, that they perteined first, and five shillinges to the Kingis unlaw. And that the said foules of riese all utterly be destroyed be all maner of men, be all ingine of all maner of crafts that may be founden. For the slauchter of them sall cause great multitude of divers kind of wilde-foules for mans sustentation.

85. The