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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/65

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85. The slauchter of redde fish in forbiddentime, and paine thereof.

ITEM, As anent redde fish, it is ordaincd,that quha sa beis convict of slauchter of redde fish in time forbidden be the law: the doer, and he that biddis it be done, sall pay ten pound for his unlaw, but remission. And at the third time, and he be convict of sik trespasse, he fall bye his life. And gif ony man be infest of ireedome to fish in forbidden time, sik priviledges sall cease to the nixt Parliament and gif ony dois the contrarie, he sall pay an unlaw before the Justice: upon the quliilk trespasse, the Justice-Clerke sall inquire at the receiving of the dittay.

86. That nane set Creilles in waters.

ITEM, that na man in smolt time, set veschelles, creilles, weires, or ony uther ingine to let the smolts to goe to the Sea, under the paine of ten pound to the King: And that the Schireffe of the land destroye them that are maid.

87. To see for the destruction of Woolfes.

ITEM, It is ordained for the destruction of Woolfes, that in ilk cuntrie quliair ony is, the Schireffe or the Baillie of that cuntry sall gadder the cuntrie folke three times in the zeir, betwixt S. Markis day and Lambes, for that is the time of the Quhelpes. And quhat ever he be that risis not with the Schireffe, Baillie, or Barronne within himselfe, sall pay unforgivena wedder, as is conteined in the auld act maid thereupon. And he that slayis ane Woolfe in ony time, he sall have of ilk houshalder of that Parochin that the woolfe is slaine within, a penny. And gif ony Woolfe happenis to cum in the cuntrie, that wit be gotten of: the cuntrie fall be readie, and ilk houshalder to hunt them, under the paine foresaide: And they that slayis ane Woolfe, sall bring the head to die Schireffe, Baillie, or Barronne, and he sall be debtour to the slayer for the summe foresaide. And quhatsumever hee bee that slayis ane Woolfe, and bringis the head to the Shiriffe, Lord, Baillie, or Barronne, he sall have sex pennyes.

88. Anent the slayers of Hares and destroyers of Cunninges.

ITEM, Anent the slayers of Hares in snaw time, and destruction of Cunninges, the three Estaites declaris, that to be a poynt of dittay.

89. That all the actes be coped fra the Clerk of the Register, and proclaymed.

ITEM, The Lordes thinkis speedeful, that our Soveraine Lorde commande all his Schireffes and Commissaries of Burrowes to cum to the Clerke of the Register, and gar copy all the actes, articles, and statutes above written, and garre proclaime them openly through their Schires and Burrowes: Swa that nane of his Lieges alleage ignorance of them in time to-cum. And als that the articles and ordinances abone written, the quhilkis ar necessar till his Barronnes and Free-halders, be schawen at their Whit sundayes making, or their Barrone Courtes, richtswa be taken and copyed, and schawen ro their tennentes. Swa diat nouther the Free-halder nor tennentes pretermit the observing of the said decreetes. And that the paines set thereupon be dewlie raised, that the said actes and decreetes may be observed, as effeiris. And attour, sen God of his grace hes sende our Soveraine Lorde sik progresses and prosperitie, that all his Rebelles and breakers of his Justice, ar removed out of his Realme, and na maisterfull partie remained, that may cause ony breaking in his Realme: Swa that his hienede be inclined in himselfe and his ministers to the quiet and commoun profite of the Realme, Justice and equitie to be keiped among his lieges: His three Estaites most humble exhortis and requires his hienes, to be inclined with sik diligence to the execution of thir statutes, actes and decreetes above written, that God maybe empleaded of him and all his Lieges Spiritual and Temporal: And pray till God for him, and give thanking to him, that sende them sik a Prince to their Governour and defender.