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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/66

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Of the

PARTICVLAR and uther ACTES maid be KING JAMES the Second, quhilks ar nocht prented.

In the Councell, the thretteenth day of March, the zeir of God, ane thousand, foure hundreth, threttie aucht zeires.

OF balding of Sessiones zeirly.

Fourth Parliament, iv. of November. 1443.

The last part of the act maid anent the defense of the halie Kirk.
ITEM, ane act in the Parliament, 14. of Julij, 1445. Concerning landes quhilks perteined to King James the First.

Sext Parliament, xix. of Januar. 1449.

Of the examining of Actes of Parliament and Generall Councell, bigging of Toures and fortalices.
The Parliament 28. of March, 1450. conteining ane particular Acte touching John Lindesay of Dunrod.

Elleventh Parliament, iv. of August. 1455.

That nane receipt James, sumetime Erie Of Dowglasse.
Of him quha talus am false cuinzieour.
Ane Embassadour to be sent to the Paipe.

Thretteenth Parliament, xix. of October. 1456.

Anent weir and defense of the Realme.
Anent sitting of Sessons.

Fourteenth Parliament, vi. of March. 1457.

Of Sesions. The Provision for money. The last part of the acte anent Hospitalles. Anent Beggers. Of Chalmerlane aires. Of taking of streses be the Constable. Of leesing-makers. Of mure-burne.