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quhair sik Burrowes ar taken be them, or their officiates, in sa far as they have priviledge , after the forme of the auld infestments and freedomes , as they had before. And this to indure to the nixt Parliament.

6. That Summonndes be maid ofxxi. dayes.

ITEM, As anent Summoundes: It is statute for the ease of the Kingis Lieges , that Summoundes peremptour be abridged to xxj. dayes of all actions customable , to cum before the King and his Councell, that the Summoundes be execute of the time foresaid.

7. That na Engliih-man have benefice within Scotland.

ITEM, That na English-man have benefice , Secular or Religious , within the Realme of Scotland, after the forme of the act maid thereupon be King ROBERT the Bruyse.

8. That na persones have money out of the Realme , wider the paine of escheit thereof.

ITEM, It is statute for the mater of money , and for the halding of the samin within the Realme , and ordained that na man Spiritual nor Temporal, liege to our Soveraiue Lorde, have, nor send na money out of the Realme, under the paine often pounds unremittable to the King for amerciament, and als meikle money as he takis or sendis out of the Realme. And attour, it sall be a poynt of dittay, and Seculares to cum before the Kingis Justice depute in that part, to be limite and ordained be his Hienesse, of fifteene dayes proclamation: And gif they be foundin culpable, they sall pay the said amerciament, togidder with the quantitie of the money that is taken out of the Realme: And Clerkes before their Ordinar and Official: and gif they be founden in likewise culpable therein, they sall pay the said amerciament, togidder with alsmeikle money, as is taken out of the Realme, saifand moderate expenses, to the availe of ane Englidh Noble of ilk person. And that Clerkes sailling or passing out of the Realme, sall cum before their Ordinar or his Official, and mak aith , that they sall nouther have, nor send na money out of the Realme, bot his said expenses. And that Seculares sall cum before the Kingis deputes to be limit at ilk Haven, and make faith likewise. And quha that passis Spiritual or Temporal out of the Realme, not givand his saide aithe, sall be in amerciament to the King of five poundes, of Clerkes, to be raised be their Ordinar, and of Seculares be his Hienesse.

9. Of money and black fardinges.

ITEM, It is statute for the ease and sustentation of the Kingis lieges, and almous deede to be done to puir folk: That there be cuinzied copper money, foure to the penny, havand on th'ane part the croce of Saint-Andrew, and the crowne on th'other part, with subscription of Edinburgh on th'ane part, and ane R. with JAMES on th 'other part. And that there be cuinzied three hundreth poundes conteinand silver. And that they pane in payment for bread and aile, and uther merchandice, and in greate Merchandice to be taken xij. d. in a pund. And that all uther money, gold and silver have cours, as it had of before, except the new English groate of EDWARDIS cuinzie to have course amang the Kingis lieges for ten pennyes, and na dearer, and the new Noble of the Rose for twentie five shillinges. And the Lordes, that sall be limited to have strength of the Parliament in uther causes, as is before written, have power to make sik rules and statutes of the sex-penny-groate of the Floure deluce, as they dall think expedient for the gud of the Realme.

10. Anent the reformation of Hospitalles.

ITEM, Anent the reformation of Hospitalles, and for the keiping of the failzied creatures : It is statute and ordained, that all the Ordinares of the Realme sall warne all them that lies Hospitalles in their dioce- sies, and summound them till a day be the Kingis and the Ordinaris letters. To the quhilk day the Chan- cellar, or his deputes sall cum with the Ordinar, & see the infestments and foundationes. And be the advise of the Chancellar and ordinar, to be reduced to their first foundationes, quhair-throw Gods service may be observed and miserabill persones susteined , and quhair the infestmentes can not be funden, be the advise of the Ordinar and the Chancellar, the fruites of the Hospital sall be assigned to pure and miserable persones, in sa far as the fruites are of availe. And that twa gude men of conscience be warned be the Ordinar, to be with him and the Chancellar, for the reformation to be maid. And that to be done in continent, or the parting of die Ordinar and the Chancellar.