Halden the last dait of Januar, the zeitr of God, ane thousand, foure hundreth, sextie sex zeires.
11. That nane passe in Merchandice out of the Realme , but freemen.
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ITEM, In the first, that nane of our Soveraine Lordis leiges sall, nor passe in merchandice out of the realme, bot freemen burgesses dwelland within Burgh, or their familiares, factoures, servandes, being with them in houshalde at meate and drinke: Saifand , that it sall be lauchfull to Prelates, Lordes, Barrones, Clerkes, to send their proper gudes with their servandes, and to bye againe thinges neidfull to their proper use.
12. That na man of craft use merchandice.
ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that na man of craft use merchandice be himselfe, nor saill in merchandice, nouther be himselfe, nor his factoures, nor his servandes, bot gi fhe have leave, and renunce his craft, but collour or dissimulation.
13. That na man saill in merchandice without halfe a last of gudes.
{[di|I}}TEM, That na man sail , nor passe out of the Realme in onie merhandice, bot a famous and worship- full man, havand of his awin halfe ane last of gudes , or sameikle in steiring or governance, under the Paine often pounds to be raysed to our Soveraine Lordes profite of ilk person doand the contrarie hereof.
14. That na schip be frauchted without a Charter partie.
ITEM, It is likewise statute and ordained, that in time to cum , there be na schip frauchted without a Charter-partie contenand thir pointes under written, that is to say , that the maister of the Schip sall find sufficient steir-man, tymmer-men, and schip-men convenient for the Schip. And that the maister finde free to the Merchands fire, water, and salt on his coist. And gif their happens onie contention or debait betwixt the maister and the merchands, that they sall underly the jurisdiction and ordinance of the Burgh, quhairto the schip is frauchted, without ony exception. And that na merchandis gudes be reiven nor spilt with unreasonable stolling, as with spakes: nor that na gudes be schorne, nor stricken up in na wise into the masters default, nor his servands: under the paine of tinsel of the said fraucht, and amending of the skaith of the Merchandes. And that the maister fure na gudes upon his over-lost: The quhilk and he do, thay gudes sall pay na fraught, nar na gudes under the over-lost to scat nor lot with thay gudes, in case thay be cassin. And that every ilk Schip, exceedand five last of gudes, sall paye to the chaiplane of the Nation a sack-fraucht,and within five last, halfe a sack-fraucht, under the paine of five poundes to be raised to our Sove- raine Lorde the Kingis use, of ilk person doing in the contrarie hereof. And mat na drink-silver be tane be the maister nor his doers, under the paine above written: And home-ward a Tun fraucht, to the Kirk wark of the towne, that they are frauchted to.
15. That na schipe saill with Staple gudes, fra Simons day and Iudis , quhill Candelmes.
ITEM, It is statute and ordained , that in time to cum there be na Schip frauchted out of the Realme with ony Staple gudes, fra the feast of Simons day and Iude, unto the feast of the Purification of our LADY, called Candel-mes, under the paine of five pounds of the the usuall money of Scotland, to be raysed to our Soveraine Lordis use, of ilk person frauchting ony Schip in the contrair hereof.
16. That na Merchandes sall passe to Bruges as Staple.
ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that nane of our Soveraine Lordes lieges sall fra the feast of S. Peter, called ad vincula, fure ony schips in merchandice, or gudes to the Swyn, the Sluife, the Dam, or