Bruges, under the paine of tinsel of all their gudes, & banishing of their persones out of the Realme. And that all persones now havand gudes in the townes of Bruges, the Dam, or the Sluife, remoove and devoyde them- selfe and their gudes off the saidis places before the said feast of S. Peter. And fra thine forth that they nouther bye nor sell , nor make merchandice in ony of the places before written, under the paine foresaid.
17. That Merchandes saill to the Rochel, Burdeaux, and France.
ITEM, It is statute and ordained in the said Parliament, that it sall be leifful to all Merchandes in this Re- alme to saill to the Rochel, Burdeaux, France, and Normandy, with sik merchandice as is convenient therefore, siklike as they did of before. And all staple gudes to remaine in staple , and pas to na mercattes. And this to be observed and keiped, under the paines foresaid.
Halden at Edinburgh, the twelfth dale of October, the zeire of God, ane thousand, foure hundreth, sextie Jeven zeires.
18. The Proclamation of money higher up.
TEM , Our Soveraine Lord the King and his three Estaites in this present
Parliament, findis his Hienes and the haill body of the Realme, greatumly
hurt and skaithed in the money of this Realme, havand lawer course, then
uther Realmes lies about us, throwe the quhilk the Cuinzie of this Realme
is borne out in great quantitie: For the quhilk our Soveraine Lorde and his
three Estaites in this present Parliament, hes statute and ordained, that
the money of uther Realmes: That is to say, the English Noble, HENRY
and EDWARD with the Rose, the French Crowne, the Salute, the Lew,
and the Ryder, sall have course in this Realme of our money, to the value
and equivalence of the course that they have in Flanders: That is to say,
EDWARD with the Rose, to threttie twa shillinges of our money.
Item the auld EDWARD to foure marks, the ounce of the samin price,
as the Rose hes course. The HENRY Noble to twentie seven shillinges,
sex pennies. The French Crowne to twelve shillinges, sex pennies. The Salute to threttine shillinges foure
pennies. The Lew to fifteene shillinges sex pennies. The Rydar to twentie foure shillinges. The Demy
to twelve shillinges. The Lyon with, the Crowne , to twelve shillinges. Item, the auld English groate sall
passe for sexteene pennies. The Borage groate, as the new groate. The new groate of EDWARD for
twelve pennies. The Spurred groate, as the auld English groate for sexteene pennies. The English penny,
three pennies. And the new English penny richtswa. The groate of the crowne sall have course for four-
teene pennies. Item, the halfe groate seven pennies. The groat of the Flour-deluce, aucht pennies. And the
quhite Scottis penny and halfe penny to have course , as they were woont to have. And the stricking of the
black pennies to be ceased , that there be nane stricken in time to cum, under the paine of death. And that
strait inquistion be taken be all Schireffes and Baillies of Burrowes, gif ony sik stryking be maid, and the
strikers to be brocht to the King and punished, as is before written, and the bringers of sik persones to be weill
rewarded therefore, as effeiris.
19. The maner of debtes and contractes saying.
ITEM, Because our Soveraine Lorde and his three Estaites, considders and understandis, that his Hienesse and the haill Realme in ilk estate is greatly hurt and skaithed in the changing and hieing of the cours of the money, as is before written, baith in debts paying, and contracts, by-gane annualles, wed-settes, and
landes set for lang termes, customes, and procuracies of Prelates, and all uther debtes lesse, then they were