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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/77

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FIFTH "PARLIAMENT. XX. of November. 1469. S9 Martine-mes : For the efchewing of the quhilk , it is thought expedient in this prefent Parliament, that the faid poyndijig for mailles and annualles , in-cafting and outcafling of tennentes , be deferred to the thrid day after (Vhit-fimday and Mart ine-mes , without prejudice ofony perfones, and injikewife there be na Faires halden on hally dayes , bot on the morne after. 3 6. Ofjlauchter offore-thought-fellony and fuddantie , and fleeing to Girth. ITEM, Becaufeof the efchewing of great flauchter, quhilk lies bene richt commoun amangft the Kings Lieges nowe of late , baith of fore-thought-fellonie and of fuddantie : And becaufe monie perfones com- mittis flauchter upon fore-thought-fellonie, in traifte they fail be defended throwe the immunitie of halie Kirk and Girth, and paffis & remainis in Sanctuaries : It is thoucht expedient in this prefent Parliament,for the ftanching of the faide flauchters in time cumming , quhair ever flauchter is committed on fore-thought-fello- ny , and the committer of the faid flauchter paffis and puttis him in Girth for the fafetie of his perfon: The SchirefTe fall cum to the Ordinar in places, quhair he is, under his jurifdiclion, and places exempt to the Lordes maifters of die Girth , and let them wit, thatfik a man lies committed fik a crime on fore-thought- fellony; Tanquam injidiator &per induftriam. For the quhilk the lawe grantis not, norleavisnotfik perfones to joyis the immunitie of the Kirk. And the Shireffe fall require the Ordinar to let a knawledge be taken be ane affife on fifteene daies , quhidder it be fore-thought-fellonie or not. And if it be founden fore- thought-fellonie , to be punilhed after the Kingis lavves , and if it be founden fuddantie, to be reftored againe to the freedome and immunitie of haly Kirk and Girth. And thereupon to fet gude fovertie to the Ordinar. And that foveritie beand foundin, the faid Ordinar, and the maifler of the Girth (all fufTer the perfones to be had to the faid knawledge. And that the Schirreffe fall put to execution the actes of King JAMES the firft, maid upon flauchter and fugitouresfra the Law: quliilkis bearis in effecT: , that quliat time ony Schi- refTe be certified of ony flauchter , oudierby the partie or ony uther way, hee fall incontinent raife die Kingis home , and his lieges widiin the boundes of liis office, and paffe and feek that perfone , and do jufticc on him, after the forme of the Lawes of the Realme. And gifhebe fugitive, andefcapis out of the Schi- refFdome, he fall lend ane officiar to die SchirefTe , inquhaisSchireffedomeheentersin, and denunce and fignifietohim, that fik a man lies done fik a trefpafle , and feliony againft the King , within die boundes of hisfchire, and lies efcaiped out of the famin, and cumming wi|fun the boundes ofhis office, charging him in the Kingis name , and be vertue ofhis acle , to raife die Kingis lieges and his home in likewhe , to perfew diattrefpaflbur, quliill he be overtane , or put him out of the Scliire , and in likewife fend his officiar to the nixt Schireffe , in quhais Schire the faid trefpaflbur enters in, to perfew him , quliill he be overtaine, or els put ofFthe Realme. And attour, ilk Shireffe of die ichire, quhair the faid fugitour is fought, and nocht overtane , fall pafle to thehead burgh of the faid Rehire , and proclaime of die Kingis name and behalfe, that fik a man hes committed fik a flauchter and feliony , and is fugitive fra die Law , and charge all the Kingis Lieges , that na man take on hande to houfe , herbery , receipt , nor helpe the faid treipaflburs be onie manner of way, under the paineoftinfel of life and gudes. And that the Kingis dittay betaken hereupon in his Juftice aire, and to be punifhed , as is abone written. And gif ony SchirefTe be foundin culpable hereupon in die execution ofhis office , the faid SchirefTe fall be punifhed at die Kingis will , and be removed fra his office for three zeires. And gif the Schireffe be founden diligent in die execution of his office , or ony uther perfon , that labouris for the taking of the faid trefpaflbu- res, fall be rewarded and dianked dierefore be the King, aseffeiris. 3 7 . That thepeir tennentes fall fay na farther , then their termes maiUfor their Lordis debt, be the briefe of diflreffe . ITEM, Till efchewe die great heirfchip and deftmclion ofthe, Kingis commons, maillers, andinhabi- tantes of Lordis lands , throw the force of the brief of diflrefle , That quhair ony lummes are obteined be vertue of the faide briefe upon the Lord , awner of the grounde , that the gudes and cattel of the puir men in- habitantes of the ground are taken and diflrenzied for the Lordes debtes, quhair the mailles extendis not to die availe of the debt : It is advifed and ordained in this prefent Parliament , that fra hyne-furth the puir ten- nentes fall not be diflxeinzied for the Lords debtes, further then his termes mailles extendis to. And gif die fumme obteined be the briefe of diflrefle exceedis the termes maill, the Officer fall at the inflance of the partie, that obteinis the debt, gang to ony uther proper gudes of the debtour, and pay the remanent ofhis debt, if he lies fameikle widiin the fchire. And gifhe lies not fameikil lands or gudes within the fchire, the creditour fall cum to the King, and bring certification of the faid Schireffe , howemeikil he wantes of the fumme recovered be the briefof diflrefle , and may not get his proper gudes within the fchire. And then the King fall gifhis letters to ony uther Schireffes, quhair the debtour lies ony udier gudes or mailes within die Realme, andgardiembeprifed, and pay the faid creditour within fifteene dayes after the forme of the Law. And quhair the debtour lies na movable gudes , but hislandes, the Schireffe, before quhom the faid fumme is recovered be die brief of diflrefle , fall gar fell the land to the availe of the debt, and pay the creditour : Swa that the inhabitantes of the fa^des landes be not hurt , nor grieved for their Lordis debtes. Nevertheleffe , it fall be leiffull to die perfon that audit the lande, firfl to redeeme and quite out the famin againe widiin feven zieiris , payand to the by er die money that it was fauld for , and the M % expenfes