6o KING JAMES THE T H R I <D expenfes maid on the Oyer-lorde for Charter , faifing and infeftment. And the faide redemption and lowfing to be maid within feven zeires, as faid is, or not. And gif the creditour takis the termes maill be vertue of the brief of diftrefle , it fall not be leiffui to the Lord to tak it againe. And gif there cannot be foundin a byer to the faids lands, the Schireffe of that Schire or ony uther , quhair hehesland, fall cheefe of the beft andf worthieft of the Schire , and leaft fufpeft to ony of the parties , to the number of thretteene perfons, and ap- prife the faid landes, and affigne to his creditour to the availl of the faid fumme , within fex moneths after the faid fumme be recovered before the Schireffe. And als the Over-lord fall receive the creditour or ony uther byer, tennent till him, payand to the Over-lord a zeires maill , as the land is fet for the time. And fail- zieing thereof, that he take the faid land till himfelfe , and under-gang the debtes. 38. Offijh, S almond, girfdles , trowtes, and 'nettes in waters. T E M , For the multiplication of fifh , Salmond, Girfilles and Trowtes , quhilk,ar deftroyed be cowpes, _ narrow mafles , nettes, prynes fet in rivers , that hes courfe to the Sea , or fet within the flude marke of the Sea : It is advifed in this prefent Parliament, that all fik cowpes and prynes be deftroyed and put away for three zeires. And quha fa haldis them up , fall be indited , and punifhed be the Kingis Juftice in his Juftice aire, as deftroyers of redde fifh, after the tenour of the adfc of flauchter of redde fifh laft maid of before. And in likewife all millares , that flayis Smokes with creilles , or ony uther maner of way , fall be punifhed be the Kinges Lavves, after the tenour of the faid acre , maid upon the flauchter of redde fifh. And that ilk Schireffe within his Schire fall deftroy and caft downe the faid inftrumentes , cowpes, prynes, & narrow mafles, nettes , creilles , or ony uther fiklike. 39. The Parliament , Juftice aires, nor Chalmerlane aires , needis not be continued fra daie to daie. TEM, It isfeenefpeedefull, that the court of Parliament, Juftice aire, nor Chalmerlane aire, nor fik- like courtes , that hes continuation , needis not to be continued fra day to day , bot that they be of fik ftfength, force and effecl: , as they had bene continued fra day to day , unto the time that they be diffolved : The Parliament be the King: The Juftice aire be the Juftice: The Chalmerlane aire be the Chalmerlane, and utheris fiklike Courtes. And that nane exception proponed be ony perfones be admitted in the contrarie. 40. That the Kingis Rolles and Regifter be pit in buikes. TEM, It is thocht expedient , that the Kingis Rolles and Regifter be put in buikes , and have fik ftrength as the Rolles had of before. I 41. That na Deniers <?f France, Cortes nor Mailzies be tane, nor brocht hame. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that there be na Deniers of France , Mailzies, Cortes , Mites , not nane uther counterfai&es of black money , be tane in payment in this Realme , bot our Soveraine Lords awin black money , ftricken and prented be his Cuinzioures;, under the paine of death. And that na maner of perfon bring into this Realme ony ftrang black money of uther Realmes or counterfit the Kings money under the paine of death, as faid is. And attour in time cumming , that na man take in pay- ment, nor offer in payment ony black money , bot of our Soveraine Lordis awin cuinzie. For quha that they be founden with , fall be debtour for them. FINIS. THE
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