Of the Kingdom of SCOT LA NT). for the time, Duncan Campbel Bai/zie of Jura, Alexander Campbel ^Lochnell , Alexander Campbel Captain of 'Dunftaffhage, Alexander Campbel of Burchakoun , Archibald Campbel oflnneraw , John Campbel <?/~Inneryeldes , the Earl 'of Argyle , or Sheriff-Depute of Argyle , Conveener. For the Shire of Fyfe, The Earl 'of Southesk, the Ear/ of Edemas, the Lord Dunkel, the Lord Burnt-Ifland , the Mafterof Burleigh, the Laird of Lundy , the Laird <?/~Anftrurher, the Laird of Eartefhal, Sir William Sharp of Scotifcraig, Sir Michael Balfouretf/Denmylne, JohnMalcomeofBalbedie, James Law ofBmntoun, the Laird of Wormeftoun, the Laird o/Forthar, Sir John Aitoun, the Laird of Durie , t&e Laird of Hal- yards, Mr. David Weymes 0/ Balfarg , James Carmichael , Mr. John Dempfter of Pitliver , Mr. James Robertfono/Newbigging, the Laird ofForddl, the Laird of Koityth, Mr. James Cheap of RoJfie , the Laird of Pittreyie, John Geddy of St. Nicolas , Sir Charles Halket cfPitfirren , Sir William Bruce ofBai- caskie , Sir Alexander Bruce 0/Broomhal , the Sheriff principal , or Sheriff -depute Conveener. For the Shire of Bam (T. The Marquefs of Huntly , the Ear/ of Ymdhzor , David LordOgih/ie, the CMafter of Saliown. , Sir Pa- trick Ogilvie <//Boyn, Andrew Watfon ^Pethhead , Sir Alexander Abercromie of Birkinboig , Sir James Baird of Achmedden , Sir Hary Guthrie i?/"Kingfward , James Gordon 0/"Rothemay , John Qotdonyounger cfRothemay, John Ogilvie 0/Kincardin, Walter Ogilvie e/Ragwel, George Gordon flf Thornibank,itfr. John Abercromy of Glaffie, James Bahdyounger of Achmedden , George Gordon of Edinglaffie, Lefly 0/Knnivy , Hay^Rames, Anderfon <?/'Wefl:ertoun, Alexander Hay of Armbath , Alexander Ogilvie of Fordland , Alexander DufF<?/ Braco , Alexander Gordon of Arradoul , A- lexander Gairn 0/Troup , George Keith o/'North field , John Innes of Edingeith , Mr. John Lefly of Tul- loch, John Campbel o/Friertoun , Alexander Abernethyo/"Achnacloich, Lachlan M c inrolh of William Lefly s/Burdsbank, the Laird of Auchmedden , Sheriff -principal ', or his 'Deputes to be Conveener. For the Shire of Forfar. The Ear/ of 'Southesk, the Ear/ of Panmure, Vifcount of Arbuthnet , Lord Ogilvie, Lord Rofehil, Sir David Ogilvie o/Clova, James Camagie ofThinhaven , David Erskin of Dun, Sir David Ogilvie of Innerquharity , the Laird of Pitcur, the Laird of Edzel , Sir John Wood of Bonnitoun , David Fothring- hame of IVefter-^ownQ , James Camagie of Balnamoon , John Graham o/Tintrie, James Creightoun of Rurhven, Sir Francis Ogilvie (?/~Newgrange , JohnGrahametf/Claverhoufe, William Fullartoun of that Ilk, James> Grahame of Monoxgan , John Ogilvie 0/Pitmowies , John Ogilvie of Balfour , Patrick Weyn- toun of Strickmartine , John Gairden ofLaion , John Achterlony of Guynde, John Lyon of Coflens, Laird ofNcvoy of that Ilk , William Lyon ofeafler Ogil , George Lyon ofwefler Ogil, William Gray oflnne- rightie, John Scrimgeour <?/*Kirktoun , Durhame of Grange , John Ogilvie ofPtil , Robert Car- negy of Newgate, Durhame <?/"Ardowny, Mr. Patrick Lyon <?/Carfs , John Carnagy of Cockftoun, Wedderburn of Blacknefs , John Ogilvie o/~Colftoun , Ogilvie o^Logie, Scot 0/Logie , Scot<?/*Rofiie, Robert Fletcher 0/Ballinfhoc, Lyel of Murfhil, the Laird of Oldbaryounger , John Ramfay of Acharrach , the Laird of Boyfack younger , Sir JohnFalconar<y r Galray , the Laird of Findowne , the Laird of Balyovdie, the Laird of Bahownic , Mr. John Lammie 0/ Dunkenny , Yeaman of Dry burgh , Alexander Wedderburn ofeafler Pourie, Duncan 0/Lundie , the Laird of Kincaldrum , Bower of Kinnetles, theLaird of Achinkckof that I/k, the Laird of Dyhrt. the Laird of Caimie , Alexander Mur- ray 0/Melgum , the Laird of Stracathrow , Carnegie ofBalmachie , the Laird of Innergow rie , George Innes ofeafler Dunoon , David Lyon of Whitewals , Kid ofCta'igxt , Livingftounc/Memufs, Fenry Crawfurd ofeafler Seaton , Guthrie of weffer Seaton , the Laird of Pitfcandlie , Thomas Nairn of Bank , Ramfay 0/"Bambreich elder , Ramfay of Bambieichyounger , the Earl of Strathmore Conveener. For the Shire of Orkney, The Stewart of 'Orkney , Robert Stewart ^/Newark, Kenneth Mckenzie, Hary Grahame o/'Breknefs, Arthur Baillie of Tanketnefs , Mr. Alexander M c kenzie Son to the Bifhop of Orkney, Grahame ^Grahamlhal, the Stewart, or his 'Depute Conveener. fff For