6-l KING JAMES THE T H R I T> ricks , and uthers in heirfchip and deftruclion of religious places , and againft the commoun glide of the Re- alme : Therefore the Lordes thinkis expedient , that confidering the ineftimable damnage and skaith in the having of innumerable riches out of the Realme there-throwe , that fik abbacies , and uther benefices, purchafed be feculare or religious perfones, quhilkis were never at thecourte of Kome of before, beofnane availe, but that the faidis places have free election of the famin. And that nane of our Soveraine Lordis lieges , Spiritual nor Temporal, take upon them to be Colleftours to the fege of Kome , of na higher nor greater taxation of Biihopprickes, Abbacies, Priories, Proveftries, nor uther benefices , that awe taxa- tion , bot as the ufe and cuftome of auld taxation hes bene of befoir , as is conteined in the Provincialis buik, or the auld taxation olBagimont. And attour , that there be na unions nor annexations maid in time to cum to Biihopprickes , Abbacies nor Priories of ony benefice : nor that na unions , nor annexations maid now oflait, fen our Soveraine Lorde tuik the Crowne , beofftrength, value nor effect , nor be fufFered within the Realme, bot that the faid benefices , that were unite , beputagaine to their firft foundation , to the place , that they were at, before the time of die union. And the faid unions to be repute ofna force, ftrength nor effeft in time cumming. And gif ony perfones of our Soveraine Lordis lieges,Spiritual or Tem- poral wauld attempt, or lies attempted in the contrair of thefe poyntes abone written , fall be demained , as Traytoures to our Soveraine Lord and his Succefloures , and never to bruik benifice, nor ufe worfhip with- in the Realme. Nevertheleffe , it fall be lauchfull to Lordes and Barronnesto purchafe annexationes and unions of ony benfice , that they can to purchafe , outlier their awin Patronage or uthers , to be unite to Secular Colleges founded, or to be founded. 45. The length of fpeares, and that Zeamen have targes. ITEM, It is thought expedient, that na Merchandes bring fpeares in this Realme out of ony uther cuntry, bot gif they conteine fex elne of length, and of a clyft: nor that na bower within this cuntrie make na fpeares, bot gif they conteine the famin length. And quha that dois the contrair, that the fpeares be efcheited , and the perfones punilhed at the Kingis will. Item , that ilk zeaman that cannot deale with die bow, that he have anegude axe, and ane targe of ledder , to refift the fchot of England, quhilk is na coift, bot the value of a hyde. And that ilk Schireffe , Stewart, Baillie, and uthers Omciares , make weapon- fchawinges within the boundes of their office , after the tenour of the adte of Parliament , fa that in default of die faid weapon-fchawinge our Soveraine Lords Lieges benotdeftituteofharnes, quhen they have need. And that the Fute-ball and Golfe be abufed in time cumming , and that the buttes be maid up , and fchuting ufed, after the tenour oftheafte of Parliamente maid diereupon. 46. That nane weave filk within an hundreth poundes woorth of land. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament , that confidering the greate povertie of the Realme, the greate expenfes and coaft maid upon the in-bringing of Silk in the Realme: That dierefore na man fall weare filkes in time cumming , in doublet , gowne or cloakes, except Knichtes , Minftrelles, and Herauldes : without that die wearer of the famin may fpend ane hundredi pundes woorth of land rent, under the paine of amerciament to the King of twentie pound , als oft as they ar foundin wearand filkes, and efcheit- ing of die famin , to be given to the Herauldes and Minftrelles , except the claithes that ar maid before this Parliament. And that the Schireffe of ilk Schire, Alderman, and Baiuies of Burrowes, take inquifition there- of, and fend it to the King. And that mennis wives widiin ane hundredi poundes, weare na filkes in lyning, bot allanerly in coller and fleeves , under die famin paine. - 47. x^Anent the money, and crying downe of the allayed groate to fex pennies. ITEM, As tuitching the mater of die money, fen the mater is greate and tuitcliisthehaillbodieoftlie Realme in great nearenefle , and that the Lordes here prefent cannot haftely be advifed to take a final de- termination thereof •. It is ftatute and ordained , that the money have courfe as it dois now , unto the conti- nuation of diis Parliament. And the Lords that fall have power in all uther maters for the commoun gude of the Realme, at that time to advife , determine and conclude upon the faide mater of the money, that now runnis. And in likewife, gif it be feene fpeedeful to make innovation of ony new money, outlier gold, or filver, die faidis Lordes fall have power to advife and conclude thereupon. And as anentis the new allayed groate of feven pennies: It is ordained be our Soveraine Lord, that fra diine foorth it have courfe for fex pennies , and the halfe groate of die famin for three pennies. And the cuinzie and courfe thereof to be con- tinued , quhill the continuation of the nixt Parliament. 48. Wilfull and ignorant errour of AJfifbres. ITEM, For die efchewing of man-fwearing of falfe affife and inquefts in greate hurting of our Soveraine Lordis Lieges, and fpecially be inqueftes in heritages : It is ftatute and ordained , that in time cumming, quhair a partiefindis him grieved be ony afiife or inqueftes be partial malice or ignorance of the affife or in- queftes, faifand and exceptand the affife of brieves pleidabill , quhilk this ftatute fall not extend upon: It fall
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