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SEVENTH PARLIAMENT. IX. ofCMaij. i 474 . 6$ fall be leiftul to the partie grieved to cum to our Soveraine Lorde and his Councell, and take a fummoundes of the faid inqueft , to compeir before them at certaine daie and place peremptourly , and there produce his evi- dences of the ignorance or falfed of the faid inqueft. And gif it happenis him to proove the faid falfed , the partie grieved fall be reduced to the condition , that it was in of before , or the faid inqueft or afllfe proceeded, and the determination of the laid affile or inqueft to be of nane availe , and the faidis perfones of the affife or inqueftes, to be puniihed after the forme of the Kingis Lawes, in the flrft buik of the Majeftie , Contra temere jurantesfufer ajfifam. And gif the partie ccmpleinzieand be foundin in the wrang, he fall pay ane unlaw of ten pound to die King , and make all the expenfes of the partie that is fummound. 49. That hordes , Barronnes, and Burr owes ear make Scbipftes , Bufches, and greats < Pinck-hoates with nettes. ITEM, The Lordes thinkis expedient for the commoun gude of the Realme , and the great entres of riches, to be brocht within the Realme of uther cuntries , that certaine Lordes Spirituall and Temporall, and Burrowes gar make greate Schippes , Bufcbes, and uther great Pinck-boates, with nettes, and all abuilze- mentes ganand therefore for fifhing. And the execution of this mater and the forme , and the number of the famin be had , at the continuation of this Parliament. 5-0. The partie that tynis his acJion, fall be in an unlaw offonrtieJhiUinges. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that quhair ony partie followis ony action before the Lordes of Coun- cell in time to cum , the partie that beis founden in die wrang , and the fentence is given againft , fall pay ane unlaw of fourtie fhillinges to the Lordes , to be difponed be the Chan cellar, and the expenfes of the partie that winnis the caufe , be the modification of the Lordes. FINIS. THE SEVENTH PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE THRID, Halden at Edinburgh , the ninth daie of 'May , the zeire of God , ane thou/and, foure hundretb, Jeventie foure zeires. $ 1. Of money and bulzieon. T E M , Anent the mater of money and in-bringing of bulzieon : It is ftatute and I ordained , that the a6tes and ftatutes maid of before , anent the in-bringing of bul- i zieon fall be obferved and keiped : That is to fay, of ilk Serplaith twa ounce of burnt filver, and of uther gudes efteirand thereto : Of the laft of hides, foure ounce, and i of the laft of Salmond , twa ounce , and of claith and uther gudes , widi diis addi- j tion : That die Cuftomers fall , or they give the cockquet to ony fchip , take fo- I vertie and Borrowes of ilk a merchand, for the hame-bringing of builzieon , as faid lis: And fall zeirly make compt thereof in the Checker. And gif the cuftomers failzies in the taking of the faide fovertie , they to be puniihed therefore , and de- prived of their Office for ever : And quhat merchand that failzies herein , to pay ten pounde to the King : And becaufe the mater of money is richt fubtile and greate,and may not richt haftely be fet : It is thoucht fpeedefull , that the three Eftaites commit their power to certaine wife difcreet perfones, to the number of ten, or twelve, to advife , and fet the courfe of the money, and to devife newemofley , as they diinke maift expedient. 5 1. Of ane Tutor and his age. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained anent the briefeofTutorie, that it be underftanding in time cumming, diathethatisneareftAgnat, and of twentie five zeires of age , fulfilling the lave of the poyntes of the briefe, I