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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/83

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^AVCHT PARLIAMENT. XX. of November. i 47 y. 6 S 61. OfDaes and Raes, hunting ofDeares, and taking ofCunninges. TEM, That na man flaie Daes nor Raes, norDeareintimeofftorme, orfnavv, orflaieonieoftheir a. Kiddes , quhill they be ane zeir auld , under the paine of x. punds : And it to be a point of dittay. And in likewife that na man hunte, fchutte, nor flaie Deare nor Raes in utheris clofes or Parkes , or take out Cun- ninges out of udiers Cunningaires, or ony foules of utheris Dowcattes, or flih out of utheris puiles or ftanckes, but fpecial licence of the awners , under the paine of dittay, and to be puniihed as thieft. I 6x. That Ferriers make brlgges : and offraucht. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, tliatintimeto-cum, the Ferriers of Kinghorne, fall tak offraucht bot twa pennies of the man or woman, and the burden; and of a horfe fex pennies. And quhat perfones that bringis horfe or beaftes , fall make die perfones and the burdens free , fa that the horfe burden aud the perfon, that fall be , pay fex pennies. And in likewife uther beaftes fall make the perfones free offraucht. And at the Gfaeenes-ferry fall be taken bot ane penny of the man , alfwa the horfe twa pennies , and all in forme and maner abone written. And at die Tortin-craige ane penny for the man , and the horfe ane penny. And quhat Ferriers, that dois in the contrarie , fall pay fourty fhillinges to the King , and his perfon prifoned , at the will of the King. And that the Ferriers make brigges to their boates, after the forme of the acts maid of be- fore , under the paine conteined in the famin. FINIS. THE AUCHT PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE THRID, Halden at Edinburgh, the twentie day of November , the zeir of God, ane thoufand, four hun~ dreth, /event ie five zeires. dy That all complaint es fir/} per/ewe to their Judge Or dinar e. TEM, As anent die adminiftration of Juftice in civil actions and complaintes throw all the Realme , it is ftatute and ordained, diat all parties compleinzieand, fall firft pafle to their Judge Ordinare, & perfewe Juftice. And that the Ordinares fall minifter them Juftice without partial meanes or fleuth. And gif die Judge failzies in his office and adminiftration of Juftice , the partie fall cum and plenzie to the King and his Councell upon the Judge and in likewife on die partie. And in that cafe they fall have fummounds, baidi on the Judge and on the partie, to compeir be- fore the King and his Councell , and there have Juftice and reformation , after the tenour of die act of Parliament maid of before the twentie day of November , the zeire of God, ane dioufand, foure hundreth, threefcoir nyne zeires. 64. xyinent falfe ajfifors in criminal caufes. Of ane great affife. ITEM, As mitchmg die reformation of falfe affife, paffand upon criminal actions before our Soveraine Lordis Juftice , SchirefTes, or udier Officers : It is ftatute and ordained , conforme to the Kings Lawes,

  • Depcena temerejurantiumfuper ajfifam. That quhair indited perfons are fchawin before the affile , in the

accufation of a trefpaflbur , notour , or manifeft knawledge beand of the trefpaflbur , & it happin the perfons that paffis on the affife , wilfully be favours or partial meanes, to acquite die trefpaflbur , or trefpanbures, in that cafe it fall be leiffull to the King and his Councell to call the affife, and inquire at them, gif they concord all in a voyce, or how mony faid all inavoyce, and how monyfaid ane uther way. And they that ar fufpect <De temerariojur amenta , fall be accufed before the King & his Juftice, quhat day & place, that it pleafis his Hieneffe. And gif thay perfones pleafis to graunt their fault and temerariumperjurium , to be punifhed therefore , after the forme of the aulde lawe. And gif they deny or makis excufation diereof be N ignorance,