66 ' KING JAMES THE T H R I T> ignorance , the King or his Coimcell fall give them ane great affife of xxv. Noble perfones , and fchaw to that affife the evidents or notour knawledge of the trefpalle , in fa far as was fchawen to the firft affife. And thereafter gif it beis foundin that the firit affife acquit the trefpaffburs be temeraritie,or wilfully be favoures or partialitie : Sa mony as beis convict of that cryme, to be puniihed after the forme of the auld lawes, conteined in the buik of Regiam Majeftatem. Nevertheleffe the perfones that happenis to be accufed of the trefpaffe, outlier to be convift, or maid quite, after die forme of the firft deliverance, and the falfe affife to be pu- niihed , as faid is. 65". tjinent the in-bringing of bulzieon. TEM, As anent the money, becaufe the Lordes underftandis, that the pretermitting and fleuth that lies _ bene in the execution of the acles maid for the in-bringing of bulzieon in the Realme , and als the fearching and keipingof the money fra palling furth of the Realrne, lies caufed the great fcantnefle of it, that is now of the money throw all the Land : That therefore our Soveraine Lord , fall zit caufe the actes and ftatutes maid of before , baidi in the in-bringing of bulzieon , and keiping of the money , be fcharpely put to execution. And that the breakers thereof be punifhed, after the forme of the aftes maid thereupon of before. And that the King now depute true and abill perfones to be fearchoures in time to cum , that will and may do diligence for the halding in of the money , as is ftatute of before. And that the merchandes fall have for ilk ounce of brunt filver , that he bringis hame to the cuinziers, twelve fhillinges, and the ci nzieour of that burnt filver, to make twelve groatesof the ounce of the faminprent, that the new groateisnow. And of the new finance of the new Englijh groate. And that there be ane penny and ane half-penny of filver maid of the famin fin- ance, according to die new groate , and that penny to have courfe for three pennies. 66. That nouther filver nor gold be pit to thefyre. TEM, Becaufe it is weill knawen , that all cunzied money , baith filver and gold put to the fire to be maid bulzieon to uthernew money, isminiilied, wafted, and deilroyed in the tranflationbe thefyre, incurris great skaith in hurt of the King and all his Lieges , and fuld not be fullered in time to cum : It is therefore ftatute and ordained , that fra hine foorth , nouther filver nor gold that bearis prent and forme of cuinzie, that it be in any wife molten or put to the fire be the Kingis cunzioures, or be Gold-fmithes to ony warke , without fpecial licence or charge of the King : bot all gold and filver that is cunzied and lies prent, be obferved and halden haill to pas amangft the Kingis lieges , as he ordained it to have cours. 6 7 . xylnent the brieve ofldiotrie and furiofitie. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that fen there is a brieve of our Soveraine Lordis Chapel maid and or- dained for the fafetie of alienation of Lordes and Barronnes landes , throw idiotes and natural fules , furi- ous and wood-men the time of their folly , the quhilkis brieves favis not die alienation, bot allanerly fra the time of the ferving of die faidis brieves , and remeids it not , that is done of before , in-cafe it be done in the time of the folly or furiofitie, albiet he be als greatafule and furious before, as after: It is ftatute and or- dained therefore in time to cum , the faid brieve be reformed , and an claufe put therein , to inquire of the folly and furiofitie , and how lang time he was of thay conditions. And fra it be knawin be the inqueft , that the perfones be fules or furious, the time thereof , the alienation maid be hirn , after the time that the inqueft findis that he was outlier fule or furious, fall be of naneavaile, bot retreated, and brocht againetill him , alfwell as the alienation maid after the ferving of die faid brieve. 68. That the money and gold be cryed tip higher. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, for the great fcantnes and want of gold that is within the Realme, throw having out of the famin , becaufe it ftandis heir in a lawer price , dien it dois in uther cuntries : It is ftatute and ordained, that the gold have courfe in time to cumin this wife. That is to fay, xheRofi Noble to xxxv. fhillinges. The Henry Noble to xxxj. millings. The Angell to xxiij. fhillinges. The French Crowne to xiij. fhillinges iiij. pennies. The "Demy to xiij. fhillinges , iiij. pennies. The Scottis Crowne to xiij. fhillinges. The Salute to xv. fhillinges fex pennies. The Lew to xvij. fhillinges fex pen- nies. The Rydar to fifteene fhillinges fex pennies. And all uther gold to paffe after die fines and weicht, and at the pleafance of the giver and the taker. And that all filver money have courfe fik-like in time to cum, as it lies this day. 69. Of the payment of the debtour and the creditour. TEM, To remove difcord amangft the Kingis Lieges, betuixt die Creditoures and the debtoures , that ^areavvand fummes: It is ftatute and ordained, that notwithftanding the varience of the courfe of the commoun gold and filver, quhat courfe that ever it have, the debtour fall pay his creditour the debt of the money, diat fuld have been payed at the termes, before the making of this aft , with fik money, and of the famin price , as the money had courfe before this proclamation and Parliament. 70. That
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