NINTH PARLIAMENT IV. of July. i 47 6. 6j 70. That na court e of Guerra be balden. ITEM, Becaufe there lies bene abufion of Law in times by-gane be the SchirefFes, Stevvartes, Baillies and Officiares , in the halding of courts oiGuerra , to the great heirlhip and skaith of our Soveraine Lords Lieges, and of his awin Hienefle in his awinjuftice aires, quhilkis ar fpik be the faid Guerra courts : It is ftatute and ordairfed, that in time to cum, there be na courtes oiGuerra halden, be na maner of perfons, under the paine of punition, as for a man- flayer and riever of his gudes, and ufurper upon the Kingis Lieges and his authorities P N S. H N I N H PARLIAM ENT O F KING JAMES THETHRID, Halden at Edinburgh, the fourth date ofjulij, the zeire of God, ane thou/and, foure htmdreth, /event ie /ex zeires. 71. Of our Soveraine Lordis Revocation. I N The firft of all alienations, infeftmentes and gifts given and granted be him to quhatfumever perfones that be hurt or prejudicial till his aires , or to his Crowne , of quhatfumever heritage perteining to his Hienes, in ony time to this day, andinfpecialofgiftsoflandes, mailles, fifliinges,, giving ofwairdlandes in blench-ferme , fettingof landes, making of Regalities, and tailzies maid in his tender age , fra the righteous aires •. Alfwa all giftes given be his Hienefle of keiping of Caftelles for langer times , then in-during his will, andinfpecialof the Caftelles that ar the key es of theRealme, and generally all maner of alienations, as faid is, or may be prejudicial till his aires, and Crowne in ony wife , or that is againft ony glide confeience. 71. The annexatim of the Erledome <?f Rofle. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord, withconfentofhisriireeEftaitesofhisRealme, annexis till his Crowne the Erledome of Rojfe, with the pertinents, to remaine thereat for ever : Swathatitfallnotbeleifrullto his Hienefle or his aires , nor his Succefloures to make alienation of the faide Erledome , or ony part thereof, fra his Crowne in ony wife : Saifand that it fall be leiffull to him and them , to give the faid Erledome at their pleafance till ane of his, or their fecunde Sonnes, lauchfully to be gotten bewixt him and the Queene. C N I £ N THE
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