69 ELLEVENTH "PARLIAMENT. II of Ap'd. 1481. and ordained, that in time to cum all Salmond be packed in barrelles, of the meafure of Hamburgh , after the auld affife , and na fmaller barrelles nor vefchelles. And that na Coupper within the Realme make fmal- ler barrelles to pack fifh in , then the faide meafure of Hamburgh , and the auld affife. And gif ony dois the contrarie hereof in time to cum ; The firft feller that fellis the filh of falfe packinges in fik fmall barrelles , fall tine the fifh , and to be our Soveraine Lordis efcheit , and the Coupper that maid the barrelles , fall pay five pound to the King. And that the Kingis Cuftomers fall be fearchoures hereupon in ilk Toyne. And als it fall be a poynt of dittay. 7 8 . Of beggers and Sornares. ITEM, For the Handling of maifterfull-beggers and fornares , that dailie oppreffis and herryis the Kingis Lieges : It is ftatute and ordained , that the auld ftatute maid of before in our Soveraine Lordis time, King JAMES the Firft, be put to fharp execution , butfavoures: That is to fay, quhair ever ony commoun fornares beis over-tane in time to-cum, that they be arreifted and delivered to the Kingis SchirefTes. And that they be foorth-with brock to the Kingis Juftice, to do and execute the law on them , as on a commoun tliiefe and riever. And that dittay be tane thereof zeirly , and puniihed, as faid is, in die Juftice aire. 79- Of fchoing of horfe in the quick be fmiths. ITEM, Becaufe ignorant Smithes throw ignorance or drunkennefie fpillis and cruickis mennis Horfe, fchoing in the quick : It is ftatute and ordained.that quhen ever a Smith fchois a mannis Horfe in the quick', that Smith fall make and pay the coaft of the horfe, quhill he be haill, and in the meane time finde the man ane Horfe to ryde upon , and do his labour , quhill the faid horfe be haill. And gif the faid horfe cruickis throw the faid fchoing, and will not haill, the Smith fall hald the faid horfe himfelfe , and pay the price of the Horfe to the man that awe him. 8 o. Quhat per fines hes power to hald court es of Purprifion, ANent the halding of the Court of Purprifion upon the landes of Rach-burne , be Elizabeth NiJ "bet, 23. March Alexander Chirnfide, and Patrick Home their Baillie on the ane part, Againft Jennet Home , the I4Su fpoufe 01 'James Tiowglas on the uther part : For the alleaged wrangous , calling of the faid Jennet to the faid court, continued to the Parliament. The Lords Auditoures chofen be the three Eftaites , all in ane voyce, declaris and ftatutis : That na vaffal nor fub-vaffal , nor uther tennent under the Barron , lies power or jurif- diftion to hald ane court , or know on the queftion of Purprifion , and therefore dccernis and deliveris that the faid court of Purprifion, halden be the faids Elizabeth, Alexander and Patrick, is of nane availe, force , ftrength nor efFecT FINIS. THE ELLEVENTH PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE THRID, Halden at Edinburgh , the fecond day of April , the zeir of God , ane thotifand, foure hundreth, four/core ane zeires. 8 1 - Offpearcs and their length , mid Jackes. T E M , It is ftatute and ordained , that there be na fpeares in time to cum maid nor fauld, that is fchorter then five elne & a halfe, or elfe at the leaft five elnes before the Burre , and of greatnefle according thereto : under the paine of efcheitting of all his gudes , that makis or fellis them. ITEM, It is ordained , that all perfones that fall weare jackes for the defence of their bodie , that they garre make them fide to the knee, they that wantis legge harnes, and they that lies leg-harnes, that their Jackes be maid fa lang , as to cover the over part of their legge-harnes. And that everie Axe-man , that lies nouther fpeare nor bow , fall have ane Targe of Tree or Ledder , after the fafhion of the ex- emple, that fall be fende to ilk Schireffe. N 5 8x. Of
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