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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/88

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7 o KING JAMES THE T H R I T) 8 2 . Of per fines command to the bcifie. ITEM, It is ftamte and ordained, that na perfones cummand to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Hoifte , waifte or deftroy medow nor comes , nor fpulzie ony manner , of gudes in their dimming or ganging within the Realme of Scottland, under the paine of punition of their perfones as breakeres, of OUR SOVERAINE LORDU Proclamation of his hoifte , and refounding of the skaith that they do: And that ilk Lord and Barronne, fall be refponfable for the perfones, that ar under their leading, and deliver the perfones that dois skaith to the King or his Lieu-tennentes or Wardens , or elfe refound and paye the skaith that is done themfelfe. 8 3 . Eurnijhing of Caftelles. TEM, Our Soveraine Lord hes ordained to gar purway and ftuffe his Caftelles o£ Dumbar and Loob- _ maban with vicluales and and artailzierie , and quhair they ar failzied in ony part , to gar them be haiftelie reparrelled and fortified, a id als his hienefle commandis and chargis all the Lordes of his Realme , baith Spiritual and Temporal , that hes Caftelles neire the Bordoures and on the Sea coafte , fik as Saint- An- drewes , x^Aberdene , Temptation , Hume, 'Douglas , Halis , t^Adring-towne , and fpecially the Hermi- tage , that is in maift danger, and fik uther Caileiicsand ftrengthes, that may be-keiped and defended fra our enemies of England: That ilk Lord ftuffe his awinhowfe, andftrength them with vidualles, men and artailzierie, and to amend and reparrel them quhair it mifters, fa that they be keiped anddefendid, as faid is. 8 4 . Ane woman conjunct fear raakand faith that fcho fall never cum againft the Alienation theirof, fall nocht be hearde afterwardes to impugne the faid Alienation. MEMORANDUM, Thefextdayof March, thezeirofGod. 148 1 zeires, Robert Daniel- floun was perfewed be a woman called Glen , before the Lordes of Councel , and fcho wald have cum- min againft her aith , that fcho maid in judgement before the Official of Glafgow , and there was fchawin ane Inftrument under the feale of the faide Official , that fcho confented to the alienation of fik landes, and fwore that fcho fuld never cum in the contrair hereof, andwauld have the faidis landes, alleageandthatit washerconjuncVfeftment, and maid revocation after her husbandis deceafe , fay and that he compelled her theirto. The action was delivered againft this woman. 85. That our Soveraine Lord prefent to benefices , all times, the fege vacand. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be the King and his three Eftaites , anent the priviledge of the Crowne, ufed and obferved in all times bygane , anent the prefentation of benefices , in the time of the vacation of the feges of Bifhoppes , that our Soveraine Lord and his Succefiburs fall in time to cum , the time of the vaca- tion of the fege , have power to prefent to benefices all times, quhill the Prelate and Bifliop make his Bulles of provifion be fchawin to the Kingis Hienefle , and his Chaptour. And in cafe that our Soveraine Lord of his fpecial Grace and favoures admit ony Prelat to his Temporalitie , before the fchawing of his Bulles , as faid is: That fik admiflion fall be na prejudice nor skaith to his Hienefle , anent the laid priviledge and richt of prefentation. 86. Contrarie the pur chafers of benefices againft the Kingis priviledge. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the a<fte of Parliament maid of before for punifhing of the per- fones , that labouris and dois onie thing contrary to the faid priviledge, fall be extended alfweil! upon them, that takis Offices of procuration on them, or fupportis, or fupplies thay perfones with money & finance , to be punilhed as the principal doers. And attour , gif ony perfon or perfones m time to cum raifis or purchafis ony commiffion of the fege oiRome, to be provided of ony benefice, that beis foundin vacand , the fege of the Biihoppe vacand for the time : The perfones that raifis purchafes , or ufis ony fik Commiifiones , iall be re- pute and halden as breakers and violatoures of our Soveraine Lordis priviledges , and tranfgreflbures againft the Adt of Parliament , and incur the paine conteined in the famin. FINIS. THE