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lilt-men Beggars TuilzJes breakers „ ., tie Kjngis ■"». T>e verborum Jigtiificatione. Andalloppreffourej, ftrang vagaboundes, beggars wandringathort the realme, upon pretence that they are Schipbroken, or banifhed for flauch- ter, or uther odious crimes ; And diffimulat thieves , andabufers, cal- ed ./Egyptians, la. 6. p. 12. c. 124. Sick-like the Schireffe fuld arreift all idle-men , and put them in Cure firmance, untillit beknawin, quhairon they live, and take caution of them: that the inhabitantesofthe cuntrie, fa) beharmelefieandskaith- lefTeofthem: And thattheyfall get maifters, orpaflto craftes within fourtie daies; quhairin gif they failzie; the Schireffe fold inprifon them, untillthey be punifhed at the Kingis will. la. i.p.3.c.66. Mair-over, the Schireffe fold compell idle-men, to paffe and labour for wages within Schippes, maid and prepared for nfhing, of great and fmall fifh , under the paine of banifhment forth of the Schireffedome ; quhairin gif the Schireffe failzies . he fall pay twentie pound to the King , in the Checker zeirlie. Ia.4.p.4. c. 49. Alltheyquhaarfofferedtobega landwart, fold have ane certaine ra- kin given to them be the Schireffe. la. i,p. i.c.25. Under the paine of burning on the cheeke, and banifhment off the cuntrie ofthe beoaars : andofaneunlawoffiftiefhillingesto the King, to be payed be theSchi- reffe, m-cafehefailzieinkeipingof thepremifles. la i.p.2,c,42. And mair-over , the Schireffe , Proveft, and Baillies within Burrowes of roy- altieandregalitie, fall pay ane mark for ilkbeggat that beis found begg- and except he be cruiked , feck , or weake. la. 4. p. 6. c. 70. And mair-over , the Schireffe fuld foffer na beggar to beg within ony Parochin , bot onlie them quha ar borne within the famin. For ilk beggar fuld be fofteined within his awin Parochin , and fold have the marke thereof. lam. 5. parlia. 4. cap. 21. And for punifhment of ftrange idle beggars ; all Schireffes and uther judges fuld make prifones, ftockes, and irons within Burghes, throw-faire-townes, andatallParochKiikes. la. 6 p. 12.C 147- And fold punifh beggars , conforme to the aft maid be King lames the Sext. la. 6. p. 6. c.74. To the jurifdiftion of the Schireffe, perteinis to cognofce and decide of anentftrife, fpulzies, ftraikes, wounds, and breaking of the Kings peace. i.e. 2. And the Schireffe fuld take inquifition ancnt the breaking of Banquets, Craftefmen, Weaponflmvj And Cruves And pfbing. Mantmg tf he Wolfe. >Arcberit Sehietting vjitbfire- warks. the Kings protection, and compel the breakers thereof to pay ten punds to the King , and and affyith the partie. la. 1. p. 1 1, c. I34 The Schireffe fuld deftroy vefchelles, creilles, and uther ingines, quhilk ftoppisSmoltesto pasto thefea 1.2- p. 14.c87.L3.1-. 5.C.37. He fuld caufc the meafure and quantitie of the cruves and zaires to be keiped in waters, quhairthefeaflowisandebbis: To the effeft the frie of the fifh, mayaf- cendanddefcend; and fuld likewaies give up dittaytothe juftice, in his aire, upon flayers of Salmond in forbidden time. fiat. Me%. cap -hue eft ^fiifa. 27. Leg. Burg. c. h<ec eft ^4JJifa 1 1 3 Stat- Rob. z.Br.cap. hem ordi- natum. 1 2. The Schireff fuld deftroy,caft downe,and hald down,all cruves within his bounds, under the paine of xx. pund to be payed to the King. la. 4. pa. 2.0 1 j. Mar. p.g.c.68. For the quhilk caufe,fpeciall commiffionis granted to him.Ia.6.p.6.c. 89.1a. 6.p. 7c. m- He fuld execute the aftes maid anent herring and quhite-fifh, and uptake the efcheit ofthecon- traveeners thereof , and make compt in the Checker, la. 6. p. 6. c.86. The Schireffes fuld hunte and flay the Woolfe , and her Quhelpes, three times in the zeir; and all the indwellers of the Schire, fuld rife with him, under the paine of ane Wedder. la. 2. p. 14. c. 88. The Schireffe fuld caufe bow-markes to be maid for Archtrie , in ilkparoch, under the paine of fourtiefhillinges, to be uptaken be him to the Kingis ufe. la. 4. p. 3.c. 32. The Schireffe fuld punifh all them quha fhutris at Deare , Rae , or uther wildebeaftes, or wilde fowles , with Culveringes , Piftolettes, or Gunnes. Ma.p,4-c.9. Nocht onely the Schireffe , bot all judges Ordirfar fuld accufe at particular dietes, all them quhafchuttis with Culvering, Crocc-bow , at Dae, Rae , Hart, Hinde , Cunning, Dowe,Herron,or fowleofriefe.Ia.6.p.i.c. 16.P.7.C.123. The Schireffe , and all uther officiares , baith to burgh and to land, at fertjlallers ilk Courte , fall inquire quhat perfones byis viftuall , and haldis it to ane dearth; And declare their names to the King, that they may be pu- nifhed as ockerers , and the viftuall efcheit. lam. 2, p. 6,c.23. Mair-over , the Schireffe fuld efcheit all gudes quhilkis ar forftalled, coft , or ailed be forftallers, and in-bring the twa parte thereof to the Kingis ufe ; And the thrid part to himfelf. la. J.p.c 4.20. And fik-like the Schireffe fuld punifh , bee confifcation of all their moveable gudes, all them quha tranfportis Nolt, Scheipe, or uther Car- tel forth of the realme. la. 6- P.7.C.124. Ia.6.p.i2.c. 149. The Schireffe fuld punifh deftroyers of planting ofwoodes, Forreftes, orchardes , broome, breakers of Dow-cattes , cunningaires, parkes, ftankes, zairdes, flayers ofHaires, makers of Mure-burne in for-bidden time, and uther deftroyers ofhaning and policie. la. 6. p. 6. c. 84. And likewaies, fuld in-bring to the Kingis ufe , the paines of them quha plantis nocht wooddes , makis not hedges and hainings. Ia.>.p.4-c.9. The unlaw of fourtie milling, fold be taken up be the Schireffe , fra players at the fute-ball, In-cafe the Lord of the land, pretermit to do the famin. la. 1 p. i.e. 17. ■ ( ,j fiuhen ony landes fallis , be refon of warde in the Kingis handes, or bTxbelllrda- of ony uther fuperiour ; Or quhen to Burgh or to lands, lands ar given in uroniatbtrs con-jiinftfee, orlife-rem : The Schireffe or the Baillies, falcaufethe wardatar finde caution not to deftroy the bigginger,or uther policie: And that he fall leave the famin , als gud as hee fand them ; And that he fall fufteine the aire , not haveand fufficient blench, orfew- ferme landes. la. 4. p. 3 . c- 2 5. And gif the Schireffe, or uther judge be negligent, in requiring c?ution, beino' required thereto, be the heretoure , or his friendes : He fahefound and pay to the heretonr of the landes , at his perfite age , all damnage and skaith fofteined throw his negligence. la. 5. p.4.c. 14. W The^Schireffe fuld take inquifition of them quha wearis Claith o* Viftuall Cdtlell. Ttlicic. T'tt-bAll gold, filver velvet, orfilkcs, contrair the aftes o! parliament, and fend them to the King , to be punifhed. la. 3.p6.c. 4 5.1a. 6.p. 7 .c 113. All they quha ufis exceffe or fuperflaitie in banquettes , contair thetenourof the aftcof Parliament, fold be punifhed be the Schireffe, and uther judges, within the Royalitie and regalitie. Ia.6.p. 7 .c.i iS.And fiklike the Schireffe fold fend to the Thefaurar, the names of all perfones quha breakis and contraveenis the aft of Parliament, maid anent. he or- dering of ilk manmshoufe, and quantitie of meat and difhes, prefcrived toilkmanofallcftaites, that they may be accufed and punifhed there- fore. Mar.par. 5.C.26. The Proveft and Bailliey within Burgh, fold caufe Hoftellarestake reafonable price for ane mannis dinner and fopper, ef- fcirand to the prices of viftualles. And fold alfo fet downe reafonable prices upon ilk mannis wark , and fuld deliver the famin to the Schireffe, that he may caufe the famin price be keiped to Landwart. Mar. p. 5. c.22. Mair-over, the Schireffe fold punifh the Barronne, quhaexarainis, nor prices nocht the wark-man-fhip of ilk craft, within his Barronnie, with the paine and unlaw of ten poundes. la. 1 P.7.C. 102. The Schireffe fuld fend or bring all Notars, quha arTemporallmen, within the boundes of his office , and prefent them to the Lordes of CounccN, to be examined be them, quhidderor nocht they beworthie or qualified for the office of the Notarie. Mar. p. 5. c. 24. And the Schi- reffe with fik perfones, as the King pleafis to ad joyne to him, fold call all Notars before him and examinethem. la. 5. P.6.C.76. The Schireffe fuld up-take andinbring all taxationes , and mak compt Ttxaii, and payment thereof. la. 4. p. 2.C.9. The Schireffe , with the Barronne, or Lord of thelande. fuld fee and provide , that ilk man be armed according to his eftaite and rente : And fall caufe weapon-fhawinges to bee maid zeirlie, after the Octaves of Vafche.Stat. Ro. z.Br.c. Ordinatum. 2 7 .Orat the leaft four time- in the Ja4.p-6 c.75. Ortwifeinthezeir throw all the Kealme, intheMoneths of Juni j and October , or ony uther day, as fall pleafe the Schireffe, ftew- ard , orBaillie.Ia 5. p.6.c.8 5. The Schireff fuld execut the aft of Parliament , anent the keiping or threfhing out of viftualles , and caufe the famin to bee keiped and obeyed under the paine oftinfell of his office, in-during the Kingis will. lam, 2. par, 9- cap. 37. The Schireffe and Chalmerlaine , fall caufe all mettes and meafures to be keiped, ufedand obferved, conforme tothetenour of the aftes of Metta tni Parliament , as they will anfwere to our Soveraine 22. meafures. The Schireffe and his deputes fold efcheitte and intromet with all horfeperteiningto Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and utheris, haldenat Horfe harde meate , la nger nor the time prefcrived in the aft of Parliament. Of the quhilk efcheit, the ane halfe perteinis to the King, and the uther halfe to the Schireffe.Ia.6. p. 1 1. c- $6. The Schireffe at command and direftion of the Thefaurar, fuld take up , and intromet with the efcheit guds and geare perteiningto rebelles Efihtfta Ia.6.p.6.c.75. Diversand findrie perfones are difobedient to the Kingis Lawes, baith civill and criminal, and alfo refufis to obey and fullfill lauchful decreites Excomrmmi- given and pronunced againft them , be judges Ecclefiafticall , civill and ctteperfines. criminall: For the quhilk caufe, fome arexcomunicat andcurfed, u- thers ar denunced rebelles, and put to the home. And therefore the Schi- reffe (to quhome perteinis the execution of the Kingis Lawes andde- creetes ) fold take and apprehend all curfed and excommunicate perfones, at the defire of the Bifhope, or his Official , and put them in prifon, until they fatisfic God , and the Kirk. S«t. 2.R00. Br.cap.Rex fa//.3i.Speciallie them quha hes remained under the cenfure of Excomunication , be the fpace of fourtie daies. duoniam attach- c.Rex tali. 76 flat Rob. s.c.ltem 7. Tothequhilieffeft, kttersof caption beingdireft to the Schireffe, he fuld execute the famin againft all curfed perfones. And gif they be fugi- tive, their gudes and landes (gif they ony have)falbecomprifcd, forfa- tisfaftion of the partie. And gif they have nane, they falbe denunced rebel- les.Ia. 2.p. 5-c- 12- All Schireffes, Stewardes, Baillies, and uther officiares, baith to Burgh andtolande, fuldfearch, feeke, and apprehend all rebelles beand at the ^ home , and bring them to our Soveraine Lordis juftice , to be juftified, conforme to their demerires ; Under the paine oftinfell of their office, forthree zeires , gif it be heretable; And in all time cumming , gif it be Temporall. And mair-over , to be accufed for their negligence in the ju- ftice aires, or at particular diettes, as it fall pleafe the King. Ia.5.p7.c.97. Mair-over, the Schireffe, and all the faidis judges, alfweill within regali- tie, as royaltie, fuld fearch, feeke, follow, perfew .apprehend, and commit to warde, and prefent to juftice, alldeclaired traitures and rebelles, con- temnandlie remainand at the home un-relaxed ; and fold do juftice up- on them, gif they have commiffion to that effeft. And gif the faidis rebelles be fugitive , the Schireffe and uther judges forefaidis , fuld make denunciation thereofto the Schireffes, and judges Ordinar, ofthefoure halfes about; and require them to ufe the like diligence, under the paine to the quhilk the traitoures aud 'rebelles ar fobjefts, or lies incurred. lam. 6,p. I2-C. 124- And forder, the Schireffe fuld inenrreand fortifie uther • officiares, to take up the efcheite of rebelles , and fold make convocation of the Kingis lieges to that effeft la, 6.p. 6. c.74. Mair-over , all letters of homing , with the indorfation thereof, fold bee regiftrat be the Schireffes Clerke", within fifteene daies , after the de- %?tificathn nuntiation; And being marked and fobferived be him , fold be delivered '/ hn 'J"f tothepartie. Andfik-like, all relaxations fuld be rcgiftrat in theSchi- ' "'""' reffis buikes , within fifteene daies aferthe publication thereof. lam, 6. pa.6. cap. 75 lam. 6. par- 8. cap. 142. And ilk Schireffe fold caufc proclaime the names of the rebelles, at the mercat croce ofthc head burgh, upon mercat daies , preceeding the three head courtes, and affix ane Catalogue I conteinand