Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/886

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T)e verborum fgnificatione. conteinand theiv names upon the mercat croce, and in the Tolbuith: And fcndane uther rol thereof to the Thefaurar, conteinand the names and caufes, fbrthequhilk they weredenunced. la.6. p. 6 c. 74. .... . Laftofall,totheeffeft,thattheyquhaarein£oKrtji<2e,benochtdecei- ■!t"- J ', r '.l'j'" vedinbyineuf landes or snides, fra them quha at interested or inhibit, ana interim.- J o . a*+, ,'-', ^- j /■ i J /* 'times. For efchewing or iik fraud, the Schireft.Tantjuam bonus Tr<etor,lud caule all inhibitionesandinterdiftiones, with theexecutiones thereof, to be iegiftiate in his buikes, be his Clerke, within fourtie daies, after the pub- lication pfthe famin. la" 6. p. 7.C, 118. fl.U HAT Is the jurifdiftionand office of ane Schireffi maybeeafelie of the p.tmes knawin be the lawes and conftitutiones abone written; quhairoffindrie midpmjfi- conteiniscertainefpeciall painescobe enjoyned to him, for his malice

  • jjfc' ' " or negligence. And now, I thoucht gud to declare, certaine generall pe-

nalties, prefcribed be the lawes of thisrealme. And firft, the Chancellar, Juftice, Chalmerlaine, Schireffe, nor nane of their deputes or fubftitutes, fall fufteihe or maintaine pleyes, quarrells, oraftiones; nor fall not take landes, or uther budde or rewarde, from the partie, for hinderance or delay of Juftice. Andgifony fall happen to be convift thereof; he fall be punifhedat the Kingis will, and fall tineand fprefalthis office, induring "his life-time. Stat. 2. Rob. Br. c. Dominus Rex. 22. Secondlie, In the time of King David the Second: Becaufethehaill Schireffi mr.y curn munitie and inhabitantes of the Realme, compleined heavelie up- %(k?£s ? nSchil ' effes ' Mau ' es > Sei '! am ? es ' andutheris the Kin § is tninifters of the ■mill andde- Law: It is ftatute and ordained, that incontinent before the end of the pnved. Parliament: The juftice Generall, with the Chalmerlane, fuld call, and conveene before them, and the inhabitantes of ilk Schireffedome, all and findrie the Schireffes, and uther Officiares, alfweill heretable, as Temporal!, and deputes : And taxeandmodifiethedamnageandskaith done be them to the King and his lieges, to ane certaine fumme: Quhilk taxation being maid, the Schireffe and uther Officiares, fuld bee put to the knawledge of ane gude and fufficient affife ; -4nd being found culpa- ble, and convift,, they fuld incontinent be put in the Kingis prifon, untill he, withadvifeofhisCouncell, declare his will, ^nd mair-over, all the faidis Schireffs and uther Officiares , either heretable, or temporal, be- ing filed and eonvift, fuld forefaltj and tine their office, induring their life- time. Da. 2. In his Parliament halden at Perth, 18. Feb. 1369. ^nd ofhis fhe Schireff Veigne. 40. zeire. ■&ay be r emu- Thirdlie, the juftice Generall, in his juftice aire, fall challenge and ac- vedbetheja cufe, the Schireffes , and uther the Kingis officiares^ and take cognition jlice,iaidp*- j 10w the y have u f e< j anc j exei - ce d their offices. And gif ony ofthem be "1 nJ'tes foiinde culpable or faultie: Thejuftice fall remoove him fra his office, untill the nixt Parliament; And fall put ane uther in his place, toufethe office in the meanetime. And mair-over, thejuftice fall take fufficiente fovertie of him, under certaine paines, that he fallcompeir in the nixt Parliament to underly the determination and punifhment to be enjoyned to him be the Parliament, for his faulty And he fall no waiesbe reftored to his office; bot gif the three eftaites think the famin expedient. Stat. Rob. JBr. 3. Ex libra Sconenfi. 'Schfreffs he- Fourthlie, gif the Schireffe, or ony uther officiar of law, belauchful- retMe md ]y proven, or notourlieknawinfaultife, or negligent in the execution of j^; s fg ce perteining to him in fee and heretage: He fall tine the famin, and all theprofites thereof, for ane zeiranddaye> and falbe punifhed in his perfone and gudes at the Kingis will, after the qualitieofthe trefpas. And gif his office is Temporall, he fall tine the famin, for all the times he hes it : And uther-waies falbe punifhed, as laid is. la' 2.p- 14.C. 77. Fiftlie, gif the Schireffe, or ony judge Ordinar, will not execute his office, and minifter juftice; he falbe punifhed, and put fra his office, for ane certaine time, after the difcretion of the King, and the Councell, and punifhed at the Kingis will, and pay the expenfes to the partie complein- alid. And gif he be found partiall or culpable, in the adminiftration of jufticej And is Schireffe in fee and heritage, he fall tine his office for three zeires. And gif he be Temporall, havand his office tor ane certaine time, he fall be put fra the famin perpetuallic : Pay the expenfes to the partie offended, and punifhed in his perfon, at the Kingis will. lam. 3 T'"ril f ho- P" 5 ' c ' 2<5 " %mr&f*me Sextlie, all Schireffes, and ufher judges, atfwell Spirituall as Tempo- rall, within regalitie and royaltie, fall do trew and equall juftice to al the Kingis lieges, without ony partiall counfell, ortaking of buddes, under thepaineof tinfell of their honour, fame, and dignitie. lam. 5. par.7. cap. 104- • ^ f Git ony partie compleinis upon the Schireffe, that he hes done to fa^ut" himwrang, in giving or pronouncing ony fentenceor decreete againft him; And defiris the famin to be extracted and delivered to him, upon his expenfes: The Schireffe fuld give and deliver the procefle, led and deduced before him, to the partie, upon his expences : And fuld take fourc pennies for ilk afte allanerlie. la. 4. p. 6.a 67. At the leaft, he fuld estraft proces, decreetes, give faiiingesandxetoures, at reafenable pi> fees, la. 6. p, 12. c. ii£ AD IUDICES. PARAINESIS Mnis qui judkare debet Stater am in manu teneat: Nam aqualia ^ fine per- fonarum exceptione eJSe de- bent judicia. Nihil iniqui- us quam munera capere in judkiis : Quia munera ex- cacant cor da prudent ium , ^ fkbvertunt verba juftorum. Qua enim Bilance judkabitis , eadem judicabimini. Quapropter , tu judex, time as T)eum judicem ; ne forte eo judicante , damne- ris. Stat. Wilhel. Cap. 27. 'Proinde fis Tie- urn honorans & timens-. Sapiens & in fcien- tia pot ens: Veritatem fequens & amans: iy£- varitias odiens & detejians. de CMaritag. c. z. Cave juftitiam Jubvertas odio, per quod in- vent a aliqua malitiofa cautela , contra partem tibi exofam , reddis judicium indireElum : Vel cupiditate, dum corruptus muneribus, malitio- fe judicabis : Vel timore, dum metu potentio- ris , vere judkare non audes : Vel amore, dum caufa amicitia defendis amicum, & fupprimis inimicum. de Maritag. c. 4. Facias igitur ju- st it iam aqualiter , tarn pauper ibus, quam divi* tibus. Stot. z. Rob. Br. Cap. z. Quia omnes judices & magnates, qui plus favent his, quant Mis in judicio, aut malef aft ores ullo modo ma* nu-tenent , funt falfi, & perjurati contra c Deum 9 Regem & populum regni. leg. Mai, MaL c, tilt, in fine.