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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/91

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THRETTEENTH PARLIAMENT. XXIV. of Febnuir. 1483- 73 95-. Of Ferriers that takis double fraucht. ITEM, Becaufe there is great extortions raifed upon our Soveraine Lords lieges , baitli puir and rich , be taking of double and triple fraucht, be the Ferriers , in contrair the auld acles of Parliament , andufeand confuetude of die Realme : The Lordes of the Articles thinkis expedient , that all Ferriers within the Re-, almeintimetocum, be charged that they raife nor tak na mair fraucht of our Soveraine Lordis lieges for man nor uther gud , bot fameikle as is ftaaite and ordained of before to be payed , and after the auld uie and confuetude. And that they be reddie to ferve all men for that fraucht , fa that they be not taryed in default of the Ferriers. And that this be a poynt of dittay in time to cum : And quha that beis convid , inthefirft aire, fall pay the unlaw of the aire. And at the nixt time , the boate to be efcheit. And at the thrid time, to be fufpended fra the ufing of the faid office for all the daies of his life , and to be prifoned and warded at the will of our Soveraine Lord, 96. That there be ane T)eakon and fearchour of Gold-fmithes. ALSWA it is advifed and concluded be the Lordes of the Articles , that for the efchewing of the great damnage and skaithes , that our Soveraine Lordis lieges fufleinis be the Gold-fmithes in the miniihing the fines of the filver warke : That fra thine furth there be in ilk burgh of the Realme, quhair Gold-fmithes ar, ane Deakon , and ane fearchour of the Craft. And that ilk Gold-fmithes warke be marked with his awin marke, the Deakons marke, and the marke of the Towne, of the finefle of elleven penny fine. Ancji quhair there is ony fik warke within the faid finefle , the warke to be broken , the wark-man to up-make the availe of the finefle forefaid, and the faid wark-man to be punifhed therefore at the Kingis will. And that na Gold-fmith take upon hand to be a maifter , or to hald open buith of the Craft , bot git he be admitted be the officiares of the Craft , and the haill body of the Craft. And gif ony be foundin ufand Craft, haldand open fcuith, that ar unfufficient , that the perfones be earned to ceafe and put under a maifter of Craft. And this aft to be put to execution within 40. daies nixt followand the proclamation of the fame. 97. The crying downe of the new Tlackes. OUR Soveraine Lord of his fpecial grace, and at the requeft and defireofthe Lords of the three Eftait-, es in his Parliament , havand confideration of the great diftrefs , that now proceedis amangfl his lieges ind efault of viftualles and all uther merchandice & gudes,that is put to derth, and raifed and put to exceedand price , and halden and abftra&ed fra mercats , throw occafion of great quantitie of falfe counterfeit money , plackes , ftricken in cuinzie of lait be fals cuinzieours , not allanerly within this realm, bot als out-with the realme fa fubtillie , and in fik forme of mettle , that it is unpoflible to difcerne and knaw the trew fra the fals : that therefore his hiencs moved of pietie , and of his grace , as faid is , and for fafety of his people , efchewing of dearth , and mony uthers inconvenients , hes ordained to ceafe the ccurfc and paflage of all the new plackes laft cuinzied , and gar put the famin to the fire. And of the fubflance , that may be fined of the famin to gar make ane new penny of fine filver , like die fourteene penny groate ordained of before, quhilk is of fines to the Englijh groate, and ten of them to make an ounce. And in part of re- lecving of his people , that they fall not tine all the fummes that they have of the faidis plackes, his hienes hes caufed Thomas Tod , and Alexander Levingjloun to receive , grant , and take upon them all plackes baith trew and fals, that is within his realme fra quhatfumever perfones that will bring or fend them to the faidis Thomas and Alexander , betwixt this and the laft day of May inclufive, and to give therefore ij. pennies for ilk plack, that is to fay, axiv. d. groate for fevenofthe faid plackes, or ony uther payment, diatwillempleis thepartiereceivand. And the faidis Thomas and t^Alexander fall find fovertie to the perfones , that they receive die money fra, to make diem payment , as faid is , gif fovertie be" defired of them. And that the latter payment fall be maid to all perions be the laft day of September nixt to cum, FINIS O THE