7* KING JAMES THE T H R 1 2) acte of Parliament. And the faid weapon-fchawings to be halden , als oft as is conteined in the a&e of Par- liament maid thereupon. And the faid SchirefFe and Baillies to warne the King, the day of the weapon- fchawinges, that he may fende a fpecial fervand of his awin to fee, that his Lieges be vveill bodin , and that the faid SchirefFes do their office , as effeiris therein. And quhat Schireffes or Officiares beis foundin negligent or fleuthfull in the execution of their offices , to be punilhed after the forme of the faid Afte. And t£at the SchirefFe put in Roll and bill , how mony fpeares, bovves, and axes , and fenfible Derfones he findis within the faiclSchire, and bring the names of them to the aflemblie of the Kingis hoift, * under his feale, anduther foure feales of the Barronnes , that beis in the Schire. And that the Baillies of the Reeakties and Barronnies, ufe and exerce their priviledge in the halding of weapon-fchawinges within themfelfe ,. after the forme of die faid act of Parliament maid thereupon. 9 1 . Deteiners of the Kingis rentes fuld be pmifbed. ITEM, As touching the Kingis mailles , rentes and fermes that ar halden fra his Hienefle- , upon the quhilk his eftait and houihalde fuld be fufteined : The Lordes thinkis expedient , that the Kingis Maifter ol houlhald and Comptroller, advife and fee quhair his rentes and fermes ar with-halden , and obeyis not the Kingis charges. And that the Maifter of houlhald and udier Lordes of Councell , pafie and diftreinzie the Officiares in thay partes, to bring their perfones to the King that difobeyis his authoritie , and vvith-haldis his rentes. 91 Of making of pace amangf the Kingis Lieges. ITEM, Anent the divifion , debaites and difcordes that ftandis amang our Soveraine Lordis Lieges, Bar- ronnes and utheris , quhilk is dangerous to be unftanched baith of breakers of the Realme , and that they fuld gang in unitie and concord, to the refitting of our Soveraine Lordis enemies of England: It is thocht ex- pedient be the faids Lords , to counfel our Soveraine Lord to make be called before him and his Councell the greate Lordes, and put them in friendlhip and concord , or they depart fra his prefence. And to command his Juftice and Lordes , that paffis to his Juftice aires , that they call before them uther fmaller perfones to make unitie and concorde amang them: Sa that our Soveraine Lordis Lieges ftand in peace amang them, and be obedient to our Soveraine Lords authority. 93. Of the money: The Wardens office: of Bitlzieon. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lord and his three Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, that a fine penny of gold be ftricken of the wecht and finnes of the Ro/e-Nobe , and a penny of filver to be equal in finnes of the auld Englijh groate, and ten of them to make ane ounce of filver , and to have courfe and pane for fourteene pennies. And there fall be alfwa ane halfe groate of the famin. And the faid penny of gold to have courfe , and pas for threttie ot the faid groates. And ane uther penny of gold to be of the famin prent, and to have courfe lor xx. of the faid groates. And the thrid penny of gold to have paflage for x. of the faid groates. And the faid penny of Golde to have fik prent and circumfcription , as fall be advifed be the Kingis Hienefle. And all uther money to be conformed equally thereafter. And that our Soveraine Lord fall limit a wife man, thathes knawledgein the money to be Wardene thereof, and to examine andaffaiethe finnes of the faid gold and filver , after the forme and rule maid in the Parliaments of before : the Wardene and the cuinzioure s havand fik like fees for their laboures , as they had in our Soveraine Lordis Fathers , and Grandfchirs times , and fik- like profite to cum to the Kingis Hienefle of the cuinzie. And for the inbringing ofbulzieon, the merchandes fall for the gud of the Realme, bringinofilkSerplaithofVVooll, Skin, hydes andclaith, andofilklaftof Salmond, effeirand thereto , foure ounce ol burnt filver. And they fall have for ilk ounce , ten of the faid groates. 94. Of J uf ice aires , refpettes, andremijfions* ITEM, It is thought expedient be the Lordes forefaid, that for die increafe of juftice and tranquilitie of the Realme , that our Soveraine Lord caufe his juftice aires to be halden univerfally in all partes of his Realme twife in the zeir , anis on the grafle , and anis on the Corne, unto the time that the Realme be brocht to gud rule. And counfellis his Hienefle to call a parte of the Lordes and headef-men of all partes of his Re- alme, andtakedittayofthemofnotoure trefpaflbures , without exception of ony perfon , to be taken and juftified without remiffion , quhilk they underftand wald be great caufe of the commoun gud and weilfare of the Realme. And that na refpettes be given in time to cum : For they ar mair againft juftice , then plane remiflions ar. And that the refpettes that ar given, be na prejudice to the parties , anent the perfewing of their richtes, nor to dittaies , nor arreiftments to the Kingis officiares , Crowner nor uther deputes. And that na remiffiones war given for commoun thieft , except the firft aires , as for the Borderers, that is to fay, xhsMers, Teuuiotdale , Jedburgh-forreji „ Liddalifdale , Tifkdale, Ewifdale, and Annanddak. 95- Qf
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