Page:The Laws of Jamaica 1867.pdf/132

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No. 20 of 1867.

To Reduce the Number of Parishes.

Saint Andrew, as constituted under this law, and the municipal board of the city o f Kingston shall be the municipal board of the whole parish of Kingston, as constituted under this law.

Fifth–The Governor may appoint one of the chairman of municipal board and parochial road boards of any formerly existing parishes, consolidated by this law, to be the chairman of the municipal board and parochial road board of the parish constituted by this law; and the governor may appoint any two of the churchwardens of any formerly existing parishes, consolidated by this law, to be the churchwardens of the parish constituted by this law; and, upon such appointment, the powers and duties of the other persons who were churchwardens of the said previously existing parishes shall cease and determine; and the two newly appointed church wardens, shall have and exercise the powers and duties, as well corporate as other of churchwardens, over the whole newly constituted parish; and all the real and personal property of the said previously existing parishes shall vest in the churchwardens of the newly constituted parish, who shall be a body corporate by the name of "The Churchwardens for the Parish of " (using the name of the newly constituted parish): The governor shall be empowered, at his pleasure, to remove any of the persons named as churchwardens of any parish appointed under this law, or “The Law No. 8 of 1866 and from time to time to appoint others in their places, and to make fresh appointments in cases of vacancy.

Sixth—The governor may select any one of the custodes of any formerly existing parishes, consolidated by this law, to be the custos of the parish constituted under this law, with jurisdiction over the whole area of the enlarged parish; and it shall be lawful for the governor to appoint by commission such custos to be the custos over such newly constituted parish and to include in his commission all or any of the justices of the peace for the several formerly existing parishes, and no stamp duty shall be required in respect of any such custos or justices; and it shall be lawful for the governor to give, by such commission to the said custos and justices, jurisdiction over the whole of the parish constituted under this law.

Seventh—Every custos and justice of the peace, to be here after appointed, shall be appointed with jurisdiction over a parish constituted by this law.
