Page:The Laws of Jamaica 1867.pdf/133

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No. 20 of 1867.

To Reduce the Number of Parishes.

Eighth—The clerks of the peace of the previously existing parishes, consolidated by this law, shall continue to perform their duties as heretofore, and shall conduct the prosecutions of offences, charged to have been committed in their said previously existing parishes respectively before the circuit courts, as fixed by this law; the magistrates’ clerks of the said previously existing parishes shall, within their former jurisdictions, continue to exercise the same powers, and perform the like duties as they respectively exercised and performed be fore the coming into operation of this law.

Ninth—Nothing in this law contained shall prevent the courts of petty sessions being held at the several places where they are now held, and the magistrates’ clerks, or clerks of the peace, in their capacity of magistrates’ clerks, shall themselves, or by their deputies, attend those courts as heretofore.

Tenth—Whenever a vacancy in the office of clerk of the peace and magistrates’ clerk shall occur in any on of two formerly existing precincts or parishes consolidated by this law into one parish, the governor may, if he think fit, with the consent of the clerk of the peace and magistrates’ clerk of the other of the said two formerly existing precincts or parishes extended his jurisdiction and duties over the whole of the consolidated parish, or the governor may, if he think fit, appoint any other qualified person to act provisionally as clerk of the peace and magistrates’ clerk in that portion of the consolidated parish where a vacancy has occurred, until a vacancy occurs in the other portion of the said consolidated parish; and, in case of a vacancy in the office of clerk of the peace and magistrates’ clerk occurring in the formerly existing parish of Saint Thomas in the East, the clerk of the peace and magistrates’ clerk of the formerly existing parish of Portland may in like manner, have his jurisdiction and duties extended over the Manchioneal district, or this district may in like manner be separately provided for provisionally; and, in case of a vacancy in the office of clerk of the peace and magistrates' clerk occurring in the formerly existing parish o f Port-Royal, the clerks of the peace and magistrates’ clerks of the formerly existing parishes o f Kingston and Saint Andrew respectively

may, in like manner, have their jurisdictions and duties extended over the whole of the now consolidated parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew respectively, or either one or
