Page:The Laws of Jamaica 1867.pdf/134

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No. 20 of 1867.

To Reduce the Number of Parishes.

both of the two divisions of the formerly existing parish of Port-Royal may, in like manner, be separately provided for provisionally.

Eleventh— The persons appointed to take affidavits in the court and supreme and circuit courts, and the masters extraordinary of the courts of chancery for any parish, or part of a parish united by this law with another, shall, from the coming into operation of this law, exercise their authority within the enlarged parish, as constituted under this law.

Twelfth— The exhibit list of jurors shall, as soon as possible after the passing o f this law, for the present year, and before the twentieth day of February in each succeeding year, be made up from the persons competent to serve in the whole area of the parishes constituted under this law, and be furnished to the provost-marshal-general; and, from the names of the persons so returned to him, the provost-marshal-general shall make up the panels o f jurors for the parishes constituted under this law, respectively to serve for the ensuing and following years, to commence on the twentieth day of May.

Thirteenth—The several circuit courts, to be held by the judges of the supreme court after the com ing into operation of this law, shall be held in the following manner at the parish towns, or head stations of the several parishes, excepting for the parish o f Saint Andrew, (for which the circuit court shall be held at Kingston: There shall be three circuits; the home circuit to be held b y the chief justice as heretofore, and the eastern and western circuits to be each held by one of the assistant judges of the said court.


1. For Saint Catherine, on the fourth Monday in June, October, and February, and to sit for two weeks each time if necessary.

2. For Kingston and Saint Andrew, to be held at Kingston on the eighth Monday after the rising of the supreme court for the courts to be held after February and June terms; and for the court after October term, on the first Monday in January, and to sit three weeks each time, if necessary.
