Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/103

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OP CORNWALL* 97 him, or them, shall break the pillars, backs, »^* '^ ^"rfi"^ vault, or binding thereof^ nor fill the adit, nor juiiccof the*'*" do any other thing to the prejudice of the said °^"**' mine. And in case the ^rson or persons so entering the said tin bounds, or tin work, or tin works in such bounds, as aforesaid, shall neglect effectually to work the said tin bound, or tin bounds, tin work, or tin works in tin bounds, or shall willfully do, or suffer to be done any thing to the prejudice or destruc- tion of the said tin bound?, tin work, or tin works in such bounds, such person or per- sons, and his, and their sureties, shall forfeit Jft«nd forfeited, the penalty of their said respective bonds, and re-enter. ™* it shall and may be lawful for the owner and owners of the said tin bounds to enter into, have again, hold, enjoy, and repossess the said tin bounds, tin work, or tin works in the same manner as if this act had never been made; provided always, that if the Thi^ act not to owner or owners are working in any tin wh^^^^i^'"** work in such tin bounds, or are driving an Ringing home, adit to such tin bounds, or doing any other Tnorfcr'^to^wrk act, in order to work effectually the said tin effectually- bounds, altho' the said tin bounds are not actually at work, within the space of one month after such notice, entry, record, and oath, as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for such person to enter into, and work any tin bound, tin work, or tin works in the said bounds, any thing in thiis law to the contrary notwithstanding. Sect. 4. And whereas it has been a prac- f^^^ 4-^^^ .•'/... , « , ^ , latcs the cuttinr tice tor tmners to bound, or cut bounds of bounds, privately without the knowledge of the lord of the soil, whereby, after some years have elapsed.