Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/104

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Oft LAWS OF TH£ STANNARIES elapsed^ disputes have arisen between the lords and bounders^ whether such lands have been boundable or not. And whereas in the convocation or parliament of tinners held in reign of the late King James the Second, in order to prevent such inconvenience, it was enacted, that when any pitch of new bounds should be entered in the stannary-courts, the same should be openly proclaimed at that court, and two courts following before writ of possession should be granted, and should be engrossed and posted up in some open place in the court during the continuance of Notice to At such three courts; and that the person so Ac^tobT' cutting should likewise give notice in writ- Sj^thT iteh ^^ ^^^^ P^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ lords of the fee ^^^^ ' of the lands on which such bounds were cut within one year after such pitch, and should prove such notice given, otherwise such pitch to be void. And whereas notwithstand- ing the afcH-esaid laws divers inconveniences itkciMciBd tkat have arisen in cutting bounds; be it declared MvioM notice and enacted, that all bounds, hereafter to be fcf»*«5 eut, shall be void, unless the lord or lords of the soil, his, or their agent, or toller, hath notice given him or them in writing at least three months before such cutting, that such '^'L'^^k fi^** cutting is intended ; and if the kwd of the cut within the soil shall UDOu such notice think fit to cut 2!?^°!?!!? I' such bounds to his own use, then it shall be •hall be lawful x-,^,. « . .,. for him to do 90. lawfuI for him< SO to do at any tune, withm ti^tojro^*!!^ three months after notice given as aforesaid, ticebe&epro- and bcforc any proclamation of any bounds 4MMQobef»* ifir received, the person so cutting them, shall iftheioidne. make oath before the steward of the stan^ liecttecttt, naries wherein the said bounds lie of hia haviag given such notioa as^ aforesind ; pro^ vided