Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/112

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loO remedy against th«m. Account to be made up* ap- proved and sign- ed by a majority) and a copy deli- vered to such as refuse or neglect to pay. Ifno payment in tiiree monthSf the Vice- War- den may, on pe- tition* decree tuch costs to be paid by the de- iendant. If defendants then refuse or neglect, for one month, from the service of decxce» LAWS OF THE STANi7ARI£S uuch adventurers, and manifestly tend to the prejtidicc of the stannaries, and discourage- ment of tin adventures. For remedy where- of, it is hereby declared and enacted, that whatever partner or whatever executor or administrator, of any deceased partner or adventurer, or co-adventurer, assignee or assigns in any such mine and undertaking, shall refuse or neglect to contribute and pay the costs and expences of working such mines, and carrying on of such adventures, according -to and in proportion to the share or part of such partner or co-adventurer, his or her ^signee or assigns, or such executor or administrator may claim or be intitled unto in such adventure and undertaking for the^space of three months after the account of the costs and expences of working and carrying on the* said mine has been made. up by the purser or clerk, and approved of and signed by the major part of the adventurers, and a copy thereof delivered to him, her, or them, so refusing or neglecting to pay as aforesaid: That then it shall and may be lawful for the Lord- Warden of the stannaries for the time being, or his Vice- Warden, or either of them on petition, exhibited to either of them by the purser or clerk of such mine and adventure to hear and examine the same, and to decree and order such cost to be paid by the defendant or defendants in such peti- tion respectively, as on such examination, and hearing the said Lord- Warden or Vice- Warden, shall find to be justly due. And if the said defendant or defendants, or any or either of them^ shall refuse or neglect to pay such costs as he, she, or they shall be respec- tively