Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/113

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OP CORNWALL. 107 lively ordered and decreed to pay by the space of one month, to be computed from the time or times of such defendant or de- fendants being served with a copy of such decree or order ; that then on further appli- cation to the same court out of which such order or decree issued, it shall and may be ft!fffi*bl's^; lawful, to and for the said Lord- Warden or Vice- Warden, or either of them, in the first place to order and direct the said defeihdant's or defendants' tin stuff at such mine or ad- venture, or at the stamps being broken out of such mine or adventure, to be sold and applied to the payment of the said costs; c-eJllf tiJ^,l 'hf' and in case there is no such tin stuff, or share, or as much not sufficient for the payment of the said cpsts, °ece^y7 then it shall and may be lawful, for the said Lord- Warden, or Vice- Warden, or either of them, to order and direct the part or share of such defendant or defendants so making default as aforesaid, or such part thereof as Zi^^^^^ *"^ he shall think fit to be sold by public outcry or survey, for so much money as can be had ro^sfstobfpJd* or gotten for the same. And also to order so ^ the purser ,- much of the money raised by such sale, as tobepaiT^r may be sufficient to answer such costs and tothcdefcadane. expences with costs of suit to be paid into the hands of the purser or clerk, for, and towards the discharge of the costs of such defendant or defendants respectively ; and of such cost of suit as shall be awarded to be paid by him, her, or them respectively, and the residue of such money, (if any) to be paid over to such defendant or defendants. And if it shall happen, that the part or share if the part of no so intended for, and offered to sale, as afore- vidcd 'amongst^ «aid, cannot be sold for any money whatever, ^"^^"J'^^^j^J that the adventurers