Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/117

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.or CORNWALL. Ill one shrlHng, he or they so offending, and being convicted thereof by information or action, shall forfeit such damages and costs to the party aggrieved as such party has sus- tained thereby, and also be fined by the Lord- Warden, Vice-Warden, or steward at their discretion; provided always that such fine shall not exceed the sum of fifty pounds^ nor less than the sum of five pounds, 16. Item, Whereas the records, entry- i^JiJI^,** ^ papers, and other proceedings in the several try-patnars and courts of the stannaries, for want of a certain '^^^'^ , fixed place for keeping and preserving the the same, have by the negligence, death, or removal of the respective stewards and other officers, been often lost or de&troyed, to the great prejudice and mischief of the suitors, and others interested therein, or affected thereby. It is hereby declared, ordered and aii proceedingi enacted, that all the records, plaints, entries, 7<mntoi^k^ proclamations of bounds, and other proceed- tyAe»te^nifor r . , .J ' *^i ti t ^<> y^*" after mgs in the said stannary-courts shall be the determina- carefully kept by the several stewards of the Inhfs^w^rd^ respective stannaries, for the time being, for main so long in the space of two years after the determina- **®*^^* tion of the several suits or causes^ to which the said records, entries, proclamations and papers relate, if such steward or stewards shall continue ^so long in their respective offices. And it is hereby further declared and enacted, that from and after the expiration of the said two years from the determination of the said causes respectively, the said seve- ral stewards and other officers of the. said stannaries respectively, shall and are hereby ' required to deliver over to the Vice- Warden, '^^'^ *^ ^ ^«*^-

  • /• vcred over to the

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