Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/118

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112 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES for the time being, all such records, entries, proclamations and papers as are or shall be in their respective custodies, possessions or powers, touching or concerning any proceed- ings had before them in the said stannary- «rho is 10 gife a courts, taking' the Vice-Warden's receipt '^ ^ for the same, which receipt the said Vice- Warden, for the time being, is hereby re- in case of the quired to give gratis, and in case of the ste'mrdlorhij ^eath or removal of any such steward or reaotai Other ofiicer before the expiration of the said term of two years, or before he or they shall have delivered over to the Vice- Warden, for the time being, the several records, entries, proclamations and papers in their respective custodies, possessions or powers, relating to any such proceedings in the said courts be- fore them had ; that th^ii the person so re- tnoved, or the executor or administrator of then upon being the pcrsou SO dying, shall upon being served vicc-wirden't with an Order for that purpose from the order, Vicc- Warden, for the time being, deliver over to the succeeding steward, or unto the said Vice- Warden, for the time being, as the said Vice- Warden by such his order shall direct, all such records, entries, proclama- tions and papers as were in the custody, pos- session, or power of such steward or stewards so removing or dying as aforesaid. And in case any steward or other officer shall after the expiration of the said term of two years from the determination of any suits or causes to which the said records, entries, proclama- the person yo re- tious and papcrs relate, or in case any inovedtortheez- , j ** i.i ecutorsorad- stcward SO rcmovcd or the executor or Sirit^wid^- administrator of any steward so dying, being ing to deliver to" scTVcd with the Said Vice-Warden's order as aforesaid.