> • n ) Veuih day of October, in the fourth year of His said late Majesty's reign ; before th^ Kight Honourable John late Earl of Bath^ then Lord- Warden of the stannaries of Cornwall and Devon. Divers good, ancientj and laudable laws, customs and constituJ tions, made, declared, constituted, and or- dained by a convocation held at Loswythiel^^ upon the eight and twentieth day of Septem- ber, in the two and twentieth year of the .yeigi) of King Jafties the Frst, before Wil- liam Coryton, Esq. then Vice-Warden to the Right Honourable William EafI of Pembroke, then Lord- Warden of the Stanr iiaries of Cornwall ^nd Devon. And wheread divers other good, ancient, and laudable laws, customs and constitutions declarcdj, constituted, and ordained at another convo- cation or parliament of tinners, held at Lostwy thiel, upon the fifteenth day of Au- gust, in the twelfth year of the reign ^f King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory, and by several prorogations and adjourn- ments continued until the third day of Sep- tember then next following, before Willian^ Coryton, Esq. then Vice-Warden of the Stannaries to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery then Lord- Warden of the said stannaries. And wi-creas all and every the customs and con- stitutions made, constituted, and ordained, as aforesaid, were thoroughly and deliberately perused, inspected, and fully C9nsidered of, by the said convocation begun, hdd, and continued in the reign of the late King James the Second as aforesaid ; and there- upon by the same convocation, by and with P2 the
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