^SSQ (PAWS PF THE STANNARIES the assent and consent of tht said John Baij of Bath, then Lord- Warden of ibc Stannaries, f nd by virtue of the Rpyal Autbotity to him delegated were revived, establi^^iiccT, consti- tuted and ordained and ordered and adjudged to have |;he force of laws in all things therein contained, not repugnant to any act of parlia-r ment, or any actor constitution of the then convocation. AH which §aid several laws, customs, and constitutions of the said rc4 spective convocations, are^herej^y declared tQ be further ratified, established, and confirm- ed, so far as they are not repugnant to any tct of parliament, or to any act or constitution made in the; said convocation, begun, held, and continued in the rei^n of the late King James thp Second. And whereas at the said convocation or parliament of tinners held and continued in the reign of the late King James the Second, as aforesaid, divers other good laws, acts, customs and constitutions were declared, agreed, constituted, and or- dained. All which last mentioned laws being perused, inspected, and maturely considered by this present convocation or parliament of tinners, no>y held and assembled at Truro as aforesaid, by and with the absent and consent of the Right Honourable Lord-Warden, and by virtue of the Royal Authority to him de- legated, are hereby declared, ratified, estab- lished, and confirmed, and ordered, and ad- judged, to have the full power, force, and ^hciawsmtae effects of laws ; and to be kept, observed {ion i z Aim. a|ia periormed by all and every the rcspec-^ tiye tinne^-s, ^hd stunnators within the stan- Afcr the defer- naries of the said county of Cornwall. And Mrrac"^* he it further constituted and ordained, that frojn
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