Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/141

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INDEX. , PAGE. Practice 0, fines to be afFeered under the V. Warden's hand and duchy seal . . 32 10, no process to be served by night or on Sabbath-days, & penalty . , . .33 - 11, appeals, how to be taken .... ibid 12, all stannary process to proceed under seal ibid --13, appeals, when to be heard .... 34 . • 14^ respondents costs of appeal to be considered by the V. Warden . . > ibid 15, return of suretyship, how to be in- dorsed and proved ...... 35,49 - - ^ - ^ l6, declarations, when to be entered 35, 50 17 no blank warrants or executions to be delivered to the bailiffs .... 76

18, attornies to deliver their bills in Eng-

lish fairly written '77

19, the eight ty thing-men of Blackmore

may summon ex officio ..... 78 5tO, provisions for delivering deelarttions against prisoners and compelling plea and judgment 115 Prisoners, . . . See practice . - - on mesne process, to have liberty of , the borough 31 ^ Process J . . . See practice . Proclamation. . . . See bounds . R. Records and entry papers, for the preservation of ill Renewing J . . . See bounds . Returns y False, ; . . See practice . ^ Revenue^ Prince's, for secui'ing of the . . , . B5 ^ . s. Scales, . . . See weights . . R2 • /