Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/142

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INDEX. PAGE. iSca/w to be rectified ^9,68, 8Q by whom to be viewed gi - - - - penalty on obstruction * • . 92 to be rectified yearly ibid - • • - penalty on omission ibid SetSi customary, doubts concerning the forfeiture of. explained, and provisions for working of lio Shafts, . . . See highway . Smelters. . . . See blowers. iS^an(2arc/ of tin weights . 19 Stannary Courts, . . . See Courts. to be proclaimed ...... 48 how to be held ibid ^-- are courts of record ..... . 72 Stcmnators,. in convocation, 21 James I. . ; . 15, 16 ,.• 12 Char. 1 36 ^ 4 James II 57 2 Anne ... 11 7, 120 26 Geo. II. .... 14 - -^consent of 16, to be binding .... 37 Statutes of 23 and 27 Henry VIII. to be given in charge, . . . See Appendix . Stewards, how to keep their courts 27 penalty 73 how Jto attend ....'*..... 28 son not to plead ibid fees of * ibid how to dispose of court papers, &c. . . 1 1 1 • Streamers not cleaning rivers on notice, penalty 110 T. Tin, uncoined, penalty on carrying, except to the ,

  • coinagc . . I7

.... ashes, penalty on selling 18, . . . . penalty on selling to pewterers 43 • . • . weights, standard of . 19^