Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/143

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INDEX, PAGE. Tirij tared .....*•.•...•.. 20 . . penalty on making cased or falsified . . . ibid .. gallons of .•.,*. 26 . . receiving privately or of suspicious persons, penalty . ibid. . . not to be carried but from blowing houise to coinage town 41. .. falsifiers of, penalty oq . 42 .. measure of 47 . . black, to be bought openly ibid. .. force in, how punishable 52 . . coinage duty, how payable . 53 . . shafts, not to be made in the highway, and ' ^/ penalty 64 . broken in anotherlfr right, the remedy*. . . 65^ - . measures to be viewed at michaelmas law court 6* . bought in the night,*penalty on 70. i not entered may be seized . . . ... 7lr . penalty on carrying from- blowing-* hous6,; before day or after sun set . . . ...... ibid or out of the common road 72 . uncoined, not to be sold ....... 79 . to regulate the carrying of, 85 . penalties *...'... 86 . base, assay master suffering to pass . . . ibid . penalty on making falsified or cased ... 87 . supervisors of, to view beams, weights & scales Ql penalty on obstruction of 92 . black, regulations to prevent buying and removing it by night, and penalty . . 103, 104 .... blocks, weight of restrained, except to make a balance ' 114 Tinners^ definition of ...... 21 ^ not to be impleaded out of the stannary courts ibid ' »•