Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/49

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OF CORNWALL. 43 ture or imperfection that groweth in the lode together with the tin. 11. We aeree, constitute, and ordain that ";. ^^^^j^ if any maker of white tin shall sell, or cause t^ pcwtcrw, or to be sold, his ashes, scimping, or any other p^""^^*^- his leavings after the blowing of his tin, to any pewterer, or plumber, both buyer and seller, being thereof convicted, shall be fined according to the quantity of their offence. 12. We agree, constitute, and ordain that '*• CwMgcof. the poiser and assay-master, being ministers and take out «  in the coinage-courts, their deputies, and "^*^*^^*^' whosoever else shall exercise either of these places, either of them respectively shall be sworn in the stannary-court, before they-shall execute such places, duly and jusly to exe- cute their said services, and to decide and pronounce rightly, and without partiality, between party and party, and shall take a constat or certificate of such ^ their oaths from the court where they were sworn ; and if they, or one of them, shall execute their places before they shall be sworn, they and every of them respectively shall forfeit five pounds for every coinage they shall execute their places unsworn. 13. We present, and affirm that by our 'J;,J^onfur^ fanchise granted to us in our charter, the ^"' *" ^« «»- labouring tinner ought not to be returned to ""^" serve, or be. impannailed in juries for the King, or between party and f^rty in any court, but only in the stannary-court, saving in causes excepted in our charter to be tried bv jury of hj^f tinners and half foreigners. 14, Wc