Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/50

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• 4.4 . LAWS OF THE STANNARIES 14. Tiontn to 14^ ^V'e present, and affirm that the la- of their wages. Dounng tiuncr Working tor wages ought not to pay tithes out of his wages ; and that nei- ther the wages-tinner, nor the adventuring- tinner, ought to pay any fine or consideration to the parson or vicar, or their proctors, for, or out of the profit of their labour, or adven- ture for tin. 15. Cutter of 15. We agree, constitute, and ordain that pr^iamldoT'tt whosocvcr shall pitch any bounds, shall enter •t the first court, his proclamation for the same in the stan- togetber with the * 1 1 1 i* 1 1 day ofthcpi»ch nar}-court, where the ground Jieth, at the die names of his fjj^gt couft that shall bc TioMcn after the said fellows, Sc of the . , . ... , , , ,, worth. pitch ; m which proclamation he shall set down the day of the pitch, the names of his fellow-owners, the name of the said work, and the old name also, together with the place where the bounds lie, or otheru^ise the pitch to be void. 16. Owner of ig. We agrcc, constitute, and ordain that tin work to set l^ .'L x-, • • ♦ hi? part to farm, whcrc thcrc arc many co-partners in a tin- bring in hismen, work, such owucis as, upon thc reasonable Mi ' warning given them, shall not either set their parts to farm, or bring in their men or money according to their parts, within one month after the work shall bc set to work, paying cost and spale for that month, such owners shall be excluded from entering or adventur- ing in the said work during that adventure, and shall have only such farm as the work is set for by the rest of the owners ; and in case of non-entry upon reasonable warning, if it be a work of charge and not of present pro- fit, a set made by most part of the owners of the tin-work by our custom is, and shall be