Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/51

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OF CORNWALL. 45 be good and available against the rest of the co-partners. And in case where none of the owners have made any set, but all of them . either adventure or forbear entry, there the farm shall be assessed by the oaths of three indifferent tinners that are to be chosen, one by the workers, one by the owners not ad- venturing, and the third by the steward of the stannary-court where the work lieth. 17. We present, and affirm our custom to J 7. Penalty od be, that neither Vice-Warden, steward, bai- f^'JeSg liff, lawyer, attorney, nor any other officer or owner of tin- ^' • ^1 . . • !• ^» _^ works in vari- practiser m the stannary-jurisdiction, nor any ance. great person in the county, nor any man of power among tin-works, nor their children, clerks, servants or friends in trust for them, directly or indirectly, ought to be made owners in any tin-works in variance, and for that rights in tin- works are many times over- borne by countenance. We further agree, constitute, and ordain that what tinner soever shall give, sell, or promise, directly or indi- rectly, any tin-works, or bounds in variance, or any part thereof to any the persons afore- said, or in trust for them as aforesaid, shall forfeit five pounds, and that the gift, sale> promise, or disposition, shall be deemed to be void in regard to him to whom it is made; and that the right or part so given, or sold, promised, or disposed, shall enure to the church-wardens of the parish where the work lieth, for the time being, and their succes- sors, towards the relief of the poor of the said parish. 18. We present and affirm our custom to ^^' Tinner in ^ _, , possession a year h DC, and a day not to / ii- ■_, _ iL ■ ^>"^-*- ■■'■' ** * Aft -■■■"•- —— — -*-■«, „ — ».,