Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/79

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OF CORNWALL. fl defaults^ and not on the goods of the one fyi the other, 20. Item, We agree, constitute, and of-* »«>• or whom dain that the grand jury for the respective ^Lfctfiiu^ kw-courts shdl be of the best and most sufficient stannators, to wit, owners of tin lands, owners of bounds, adventurers for tin, tot being merchants or shopkeepers, and that there shall be four and twenty such per-- sons summoned by the head bailiff to attend such grand jury at every law-court. And that ^*^:^^^ ^ such law-court shalj be publicly proclaimed ^^ ** in two market towns within the respective stannaries, at least fifteen days before the holding and keeping such law-court, signi- fying the time and place of the keeping thereof, and that every person that shall be so summoned, having six days' notice, and Grand jury not make default, shall be amerced any sum not finST^*** exceeding forty shillings; and that the stew-^ Penalty on stew- ard neglecting to keep such law-court shall hoid^^Surt.** forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, the half thereof to the Lord Duke, or King, and the other half to him that shall sua or proseeutd for the same* 21. Item. We do agree, constitute, afld cum,^g^ drdain that when any person shall be arrested abic' by any writ or capias out of the stannary- ^'JonJ^^ court, returnable in the stannary-court, and of 175a, p. by virtue thereof be carried t6 the gaol at Lostwythiel, such person so imprisoned shall or may have a writ of duces tecum granted to the keeper of the said prison upon the request or demand either of the plaintiff, or such prisoner, by their respective attorney, to