Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/80

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^A LAWS OF THE STANNARIES to bring such prisoner at any court after the Gwiw's fees in ^rji; q^ process fiTantcd. And that the keeper shall have two-pence for every mile he shall travel, in bringing the said prisoner to the court, and the like for conveying him back if he shall be remanded, to be paid by the parties praying the said writ. And if the said keeper shall refuse or neglect to bring such prisoner to the court, the said money being tendered unto him, he shall forfeit and lose the sum of five pounds for every such con- tempt or neglect, being convicted thereof^ to be levied upon his goods by fieri facias, to the use of the Lord Duke, or King, and shall likewise be subject and liable to action of false imprisonment by the party so kept in prison, after such writ of duces tecum deli- vered to the said keeper, or his deputy ; in which the party so grieved shall recover his damages, with costs of suit, to be levied upon the goods of the keeper of the said gaol by fieri facias; provided that the person praying such writ of. duces tecum, first give ti such security as the steward of the stannaries where the same shall be granted, shall ap- prove of; that the keeper shall be free from all actions by reason of any rescous until the person shall be returned' to the prison if he shall be remanded, for taking which security the steward shall take no fee.

    • 'i^drf"5"' ^^' ^^^^' If any tinner, worker, or owner

Uftg tSeir part-' of tin do take, convey, alien, eloign, or de- "^Sf*^"'^ fraud his partners, or any of them, or any part or parcel of tin stuff, tin ore, brows, spalls, stones, black tin, or white tin, to the value of one shilling privily or secretly with