Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/81

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OF CORNWALL. 75 with intent of any manner of fraud or guile to his partners, or any of them, he may be presented or indicted for the same in the law-courts of the stannaries, and if convicted shall forfeit five pounds to the Lord Duke^ or King. But if he or they shall be sued by bill, plaint, or information, then the Lord Duke, or King to have but one half, and the party suing the other half, and recover da- mages and costs, wherein no essoin, wager of law, or protection to be allowed, but if ^"* '^!^^ ^*"* 1 /•ii*^ 11 i~i» proved, action the fraud be not proved, then he that is so against infarmer troubled may bring his action on the case ^^^^ ***™*8»- against the informer, and recover damages, and costs, and charges against him. 23. Item. If any person knock, break, or *3- Penalty <» spall any tin, brows, rocks, or stones with breakm^Tn*!- any hammer, or instrument whatsoever, at ^i"s> &c. pn- his own house, or in any secret place, except ^** ^* it be at the work where the tin is wrought, or ' by assent of the lord x)f the soil, or bounder where the tin is wrought, at any other place. The tin shall be forfeited to the lord of the soil in several, and to the lord of the soil and bounder in wastrel, according to their several porportions, and the offender or worker of the. same tin with hammer, shall - be indicted or presented thereof; and if con- victed, shall forfeit forty shillings. And if it be by bill, plaint, or information, then the Lord Duke, or King, shall have the one half, and he that will sue for the same, the other half with costs and damages, wherein no essoin, wager of law, or protection to be allowed. 24. Item.