Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/85

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coinage of tin in the respective stannary towns.

30. Coinage officers. 30. item. We do agree, constitute, and ordain that the supervisors, poisers, and assay-master, or tare-master being ministers bf the coinage and their deputies, and who- ever else shall exercise either of these places, and all other officers of the said coinages, having commissions or deputations for their respective offices, they and every of them respectively, and deputies to be sworn, and their respective deputies, shall be sworn by the steward in the stan- nary-court, or before the Lord- Warden, or Vice- Warden, before they shall execute their said places, duly and justly to execute their said offices and places and to decide and pro- nounce rightly, and without partiality between party and party, and take out certificates, and shall take a constat or certificate of such their oaths; and if they, or any of them, shall execute their places before they shall be so sworn, they, and every of them respectively, shall forfeit ten pounds for every coinage, they shall so execute their said offices without being sworn; on pain of ten pounds which said pounds. ten pounds shall be recovered by present- ment or indictment in the stannary-court, and shall be levied upon the goods of the parties so offending, and in default of such goods, by imprisonment of the person ; the one half of the said ten pounds to the party that shall prosecute for the same, and the other half to the Lord Duke, or King.

No uncoined tin to be sold. 31. Item. We do further constitute, and ordain that no tin sold to any man, to be carried out of the county, or to be used inthe