Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/86

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80 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES the county^ shall be 89 carried out of the county, or used in the county, except it be first coined and smitten with the hammer for ijMrf^ •" "^ that purpose ordained. And if the comptroller, L han^l!? or his deputy, shall neglect to put the coinage "**• or hammer-mark upon every piece of tin weighed at or in the coinage-hall, for which the duty is paid or charged, the comptroller, or his deputy so neglecting, shall forfeit the value of such block or blocks of tin so not smitten, and shall likewise recompence the tinner grieved all his damages, to be re- covered by action upon the case in the stannary- court, wherein he shall likewise have his costs of suit. 31. Tinner to 32. Itcm. Wc agrcc, coustitute, and or- JkLlScbg w. dain that it shall and may be lawful to and own)inditcom- for cvcrv tiuucr to put as many pieces or or slabs of tm, (bemg his own tm) m one coinage-bill as he thinks fit. 33. Penalty pn 33. Item. That whcrcas the last Mid- Sj^i^S' summer coinage was adjourned, kept, and coinage contrary hcld after the time in which by the laws and customs of the stannanes it ought to be, vrhich adjournment was contrary to the rights and privileges of the tinners and the laws of the stannaries ; for a settlement whereof, and that the said adjournment may never be drawn into example for the future: We do agree, constitute, and ordain that . from henceforth the comptroller and other officers of the coinage shall not at any time hereafter adjourn or put off the coinages otherwise, or in any other manner, than by tJie laws and orders of the stannaries are ap- appointedj