Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/87

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OF CORNWALL. 81 appointed, declared, established or ordained; and that the said respective officers of the coinage shall by themselves or respective sufficient deputy and deputies respectively give their due attendance at the several re- spective coinages in the times and places appointed, limited^ and ordained by the laws, directions and ordinances of the stannariei. And in default of such due attendance and' execution of their respective offices, each officer so failing and neglecting of his duty, and being duly convicted thereof by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in the stannary-court, shall forfeit and lose for every default, the sum of forty pounds, besides costs of suit to be levied upon his goods and chattels; or if the same be not sufficient, then by imprisonment by writ of capias ad satisfaciendum in the gaol at Lostwythiel until the same shall be paid, the one half of such forfeiture to the King, or Duke of Cornwall, and the other half to the party suing, or prosecuting for the same. In con- . firmation whereof the Right Honourable the Lord-Warden did thereunto put his hand and seal of the dutchy of Comwsdl ; and the said respective stannators of the said respective stannaries abovementioried, their hands did put the sixteenth day of October in the said fourth year of His Majesty's reign. All which said several laws, customs, and constitutions, are hereby declared to be further ratified, ' established, and confirmed so far as they are unexpired, and not repugnant to aiay act of parliament, or to any act or constitution made in the convocation held in the reign of Queen Anne, or in this present convocation. Laws