Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/461

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Ackland, James, student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 265, 266

Adams and Co., rejection of MS. of Science and Health by, 210, 211

Alcott, Bronson, 176; quoted, 304

—— Louisa M., meeting with Mrs. Eddy, 305; her article in the Woman’s Journal, 306; Mrs. Eddy’s reply to, 306

Aldrich, Hon. Edgar, the suit in equity, 366, 367

Allen, George H., 227

Ambrose, Abigail, wife of Mark Baker, 7; her abilities, 13; her character, 14; her death, 45

—— Deacon Nathaniel, 7

American, the New York, statement of Mrs. Eddy’s printed in, 313, 314

Amesbury, Mass., Mrs. Eddy’s sojourn in, 175-192

Appleton, Jane, wife of Franklin Pierce, 51

Arens, Edward J., student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 242-245; accused of conspiracy to murder Spofford, 247-249; case not prosecuted, 249; facts of the conspiracy against, 252-258; pirates work of Mrs. Eddy, 274-276; enjoined from distributing his pamphlet, 276, 296, 297

Armstrong,Joseph, Mrs. Eddy’s publisher, 335; the suit in equity, 363; his death, 378; Mrs. Eddy’s tribute to, 379

Bagley, Miss Sarah, Mrs. Eddy boards with, 179-181; takes up healing as a profession, 181; her perversion of Mrs. Eddy’s teaching, 181; Mrs. Eddy returns to live with, 188, 189; refuses to be guided by Mrs. Eddy, 207

—— Squire Lowell, 179, 180

Bailey, Joshua, editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 295

Baker, Abigail, 12; wife of Alexander Tilton, 32, 35; son Albert born, 43; daughter Evelyn born, 44; Mrs. Eddy lives with, 49; kindness to Mrs. Eddy during her illness, 57; opposes Mrs. Eddy’s visit to Quimby, 78, 79; sends her to Hill, 79, 80; her disillusionment concerning Quimby, 107; takes Dr. Patterson to task, 119; offers Mrs. Eddy a home, 139; endeavors to dissuade her from divine healing, 139, 140; visited by Mrs. Eddy, 172

—— Albert, 12; enters Dartmouth College, 21; takes up law, 21; attracts Franklin Pierce, 25; love for his sister, Mrs. Eddy, 25, 26; he tutors Mrs. Eddy, 27, 28; nominated for Congress, 36; his sudden death, 36; pretended spirit message from, 114, 115

—— family, the, genealogy of, 3-6

—— George, 12; enters mills at Sanbornton Bridge, 32 ; becomes partner in Tilton mills, 32; increasing