Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/462

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 prosperity, 44; appointed to Governor’s staff, 44; marriage with Martha Drew Rand, 45; moves to Baltimore, 45; visited by Mrs. Eddy in Tilton, 172; his death, 172

Baker, George W., nephew of Mrs. Eddy, his part in the suit in equity, 363

—— Hon. Henry M.., trusteeship, 365, 392, 394

—— James, 4

—— John, first in America, 5

—— Captain Joseph, 5

—— Joseph, son of Capt. Joseph, 5

—— Mark, father of Mrs. Eddy, 4, 5; his farm at Bow, N. H., 11, 12, 14, 15; his concern for Mrs. Eddy as a child, 18, 19; official duties, 22-24; religious tenets, 23, 28, 29; in a lawsuit with Franklin Pierce, 24, 25; dines with Gov. Pierce, 25; religious views conflict with Mrs. Eddy’s, 28-31; moves to Tilton, 32; death of his wife, 45; second marriage with Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson Duncan, 45; death of, 139

—— Martha, 12; marriage with Luther Pillsbury, 35; visited by Mrs. Eddy, 172; her daughter, Ellen, healed by Mrs. Eddy, 173

—— Mary, see Mary Baker Eddy

—— Samuel, 12; becomes a contractor in Boston, 21, 32; association with George Washington Glover, 37

—— Thomas, 5

—— Thomas, son of Thomas, 5

Ballou, Hosea, 157

Baltimore, Md., 45, 51

Bancroft, S. P., student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 210, 227

Banner of Light, the, Mrs. Eddy’s interview with editor of, 112

Barre, Vt., Mrs. Eddy moves to, 326

Barry, George, student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 210, 227, 229; conflict with Mr. Eddy, 231; brings suit against Mrs. Eddy, 233, 234; offers to drive Dr. Kennedy out of Lynn, 245, 246

Bartlett, Miss Julia, student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 265, 273, 284, 290

Barton, Vt., 283

Bates, General Erastus N., 290

Beecher, Lyman, 156

Belfast, Me., 83

Bennington, battle of, 2

Berry, Governor, 70

Besse, Francis E., sells property to Mrs. Eddy, 213, 214

Blackwell, Miss Alice Stone, conduct of Woman’s Journal, 306 ; contribution to The Christian Science Journal, 306

Blavatsky, Madame, Mrs. Eddy on theosophy of, 306

Boscawen, N. H., 35, 50

Bow, N. H., birthplace of Mrs. Eddy, 1; family life at, 4; Mark Baker's farm at, 11, 12

Bradshaw, Sue Ella, her connection with the California Metaphysical College, 301

Brown, Miss Lucretia, 240; brings suit against Spofford, 241, 242

Bubier, S. M., Mrs. Eddy cared for at residence of, 128, 129

Bull Run, battle of, 70

Bunker Hill, battle of, 2

Burkmar, Lucius, mesmeric subject of Phineas Quimby, 84; of John Bovee Dods, 85

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, meeting with Mrs. Eddy, 305

Burnham, “Priest,” 23

Buswell, Arthur True, student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 265, 266, 269, 283-286, 290; editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 285, 293; his apostasy, 293