Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/463

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California Metaphysical College, the, 301

Carr, Oren, 266

Chamberlin, Judge Robert N., 366

Chandler, Senator William E., counsel for “next friends” in suit in equity, 361, 367; counsel for Mrs. Eddy’s sons, 392

Channing, William Ellery, exponent of transcendentalism, 156, 157

Charleston, S. C., 39

Charlestown, Mass., 5

Chase, Stephen A., trusteeship of, 341; the suit in equity, 363

Cheney, Russell, marriage with Mahala Sanborn, 47; living in Groton, N. H., 60

Chestnut Hill, Mass., home of Mrs. Eddy, 368, 371, 393, 395-398, 400, 404

Chicago, appeal for a teacher, 298; Mrs. Eddy’s trip to, 300; her work there, 300, 301; founding of Illinois Christian Science Institute at, 301; meeting of national association in, 316-321

Chickering Hall, meeting-place of Boston church, 340

Chippewa, battle of, 6

Choate, Mrs. Clara, her visit to Mrs. Eddy, 263, 264; sent as a precursor to Boston, 272; delivers eulogy on Mr. Eddy, 281; restores health to Mr. Frye’s mother, 287; her unwillingness to go to Chicago, 299

—— George D., 265, 269, 281

Christian Healing, publication of, 315

“Christian Science Home,” 212, 214

Christian Science Journal, The, quoted, 98, 130, 136; The Science of Man printed in, 189; quoted, 191; founding of the journal, 284, 285; its aims and scope, 291, 292, 375; its history, 293-296, 371, 372; quoted, 304; contribution of James Henry Wiggin, 310-312; Mrs. Eddy’s Chicago address printed in, 319; prints notice of dissolution of organization, 339

Christian Science Monitor, the, its germ, 371, 373; announcement in the Sentinel of, 374, 375; its first issue, 375; its mission, 375; cordially received, 376-377

Christian Science Publishing House, the, erection of, 372-375

Christian Science Publishing Society, the, occupies its new building, 372; announces the Christian Science Monitor, 374

Church of Christ, Scientist, organized in Boston, 266; early meeting, 267; rebellion of, 268-270; Mrs. Eddy’s decisive action, 271; dissolution of bonds of organization of, 339

Church Manual, 381, 382

Clark, Mrs. Ellen J., student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 265

—— George, describes Mrs. Eddy’s appearance and personality, 152-154; acts as witness for Mrs. Eddy, 210; describes the first rejection of the MS. of Science and Health, 210, 211

—— George D., Mrs. Eddy boards with family of, 144

—— Miss Sarah J., editorship of the Christian Science Journal, 295

Clay, Henry, 50

Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth, Mrs. Eddy’s review of her edition of George Eliot, 306

Collier, George, accomplice of James Sargeant, 254, 256, 257

Concord, N. H., Mrs. Eddy retires to, 336; life in, 344-368

Congress, the Continental, New Hampshire’s delegates to, 2