Ferrex and Porrex, a Tragedy, 8 vo. firſt printed 1665. but ſince by the Title of
Gorboduc, a Tragedy, 4 to. re-printed, 1590. This Play was preſented by the Gentlemen of the Inner-Temple, before the Queen’s moſt excellent Majeſty; and accounted an excellent Play, full of Morality. Plot from our Britiſh Chronicles.
Thomas Nuce.
An Author likewiſe in Queen Elizabeth’s Time, who tranſlated one of Seneca’s Plays, called,
Octavia, a Tragedy, 4 to. Conſult Sueton. in vit. Claud. Tacitus, lib. 12. c. 14. Dion. Nero, &c.
Thomas Otway.
The Place of Mr. Otway’s Birth I know not; but he was of a good Family, and has a Nephew a Captain in the preſent Service. He was bred at Chriſt-Church, in Oxford, and thence remov’d to London, not going on with the Deſign of being of the Clergy. Tho’ at firſt he met with but little Encouragement here, but what a ſmall Allowance and Sallery from the Play-houſe afforded (for he was firſt a Player) but after he had writ Don Carlos, he began to have a Name, having in that Play diſcovered ſome Touches of a Tallent, very few of our Engliſh Poets have been Maſter of, in moving the Paſſions, that are, and ought to be the Aim of all Tragick Poets. Terror and Pity; and in which none equal’d him, in his two following Tragedies of The Orphan, and Venice Preſerv’d. He was a Jovial Companion, and a great Lover of the Bottle, and Particularly of Punch; the laſt thing he made before his Death, being an excellent Song on that Liquor. We have in Print of his, ten Plays; another more excellent than all of them, is, by ſome malicious or deſigning Person ſuppreſs’d, either hereafter to ſet up a Reputation to themſelves, by owning it, or to procure a Profit by ſelling it for their own.
Alcibiades, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1675. acted at the Duke’s Theatre. The Dedication is to the Right Honourable, Charles, Earl of Middleſex. This was the firſt Product of our Author. The Plot from