Corn. Nepos, and Plutarch, both in the Life of Alcibiades; but he has varied from the Story, making Alcibiades a more ſcrupulous Man than the Hiſtorians do, who accuſe him of Adultery with the Queen of Agis, &c.
The Atheiſt; or the ſecond Part of The Soldier’s Fortune, a Comedy, 4 to. 1684. The Dedication is to the Lord Eland, Eldeſt Son to the Marqueſs of Hallifax. Plot, in Part, taken from The Inviſible Miſtreſs, in Scarron’s Novels.
The Cheats of Scapin, a Farce, 4 to. 1667. acted at the Duke’s Theatre: It is printed with Titus and Berenice, a Tragedy after mentioned, writ by the ſame Author. ’Tis tranſlated from Molliere, which, originally is Terrences Phormio.
Caius Marius, his Hiſtory and Fall, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1680, acted at the Duke’s Theatre; and its Dedication to the Lord Viſcount Faulkland. Part of it ſtollen from Shakeſpear’s Romeo and Juliet. Plot from Plutarch, in his Life of Caius Marius, and Lucan’s Pharſalia, Book 2.
Don Carlos, Prince of Spain, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1679. The Dedication is to his Royal Highneſs, the Duke. This is the ſecond Play our Author ever writ, and gain’d him great Reputation. Plot from the Novel ſo called, 12 mo. you may alſo conſult the Spaniſh Chronicles in the Life of Philip the Second.
Friendſhip in Faſhion, a Comedy, 4 to. 1678. acted at the Duke’s Theatre, with good Applauſe. Its Dedication is to the Right Honourable, Charles, Earl of Dorſet and Middleſex.
The Orphan; or, The Unhappy Marriage, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1680. acted at the Duke’s Theatre. Its Dedication to her Royal Highneſs, the Dutcheſs. This is acccounted an excellent Play, and often acted of late Days. Plot from the Hiſtory of Brandon, p. 17. and The Engliſh Adventures, a Novel.
The Soldiers Fortune, a Comedy, 4 to. 1681. acted by their Royal Highneſſes Servants, at the Duke’s Theatre. The Lady Dunce, making her Husband Agent, is from Moliere Eſcole de Maris, &c. See alſo Boccace’s Novels, Day 3. Nov. 3, and Scarron’s Comical Romance, p. 227.
Titus and Berenice, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1677. to which is joined The Cheats of Scapin, acted at the Duke’s Theatre; and dedicated to the Right Honourable, John, Earl of Rocheſter. Tranſlated from Monſieur Racine; it wants two Acts of the uſual Number. The Story of Titus and Berenice you may find in Suetonius, Dioniſius, Joſephus, &c.
Venice Preſerv’d; or, A Plot diſcovered; a Tragedy, 4 to. 1688. acted at the Duke’s Theatre; dedicated to the Dutcheſs of Portſmouth. This is an incomparable Play, and often acted of late Days. The Plot is taken from a little Book, printed, 8 vo. being an Account of the Conſpiracy of the Spaniards against Venice.