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Page:The Mohammedan system of theology (IA mohammedansyste00neal).pdf/127

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sent and omniscient. To him belongeth whatever is in heaven and earth, and when he decreeth a thing, he only saith unto it, Be, and it is. Your God is but one God, there is no God but he, the most merciful. Now in the creation of heaven and earth, and in the vicissitude of night and day, and in the ship which saileth on the sea, laden with what is profitable for mankind, and in the rain-water which God sendeth from heaven, quickening thereby the dead earth, and replenishing the same with all sorts of cattle, and in the change of winds, and the clouds that are compelled to do service between heaven and earth, are signs to people of understanding, yet some take idols beside God, and love them as with the love due to God, but true believers are more fervent in love towards God."

The following has often been quoted as one of the sublimest efforts of the Koran,