works of the ancients; but this does not affect our general position, being a partial exception super-induced by peculiar circumstances; but even then their particular tenets counteracted the benefit that might have been reaped from the great masters of antiquity: the precepts of liberty inculcated by the orators and historians found no congenial echo in the breasts of men inured to despotism; and the finest tights of poetry connected with heathen mythology, were at complete variance with their principles and prejudices; so that generally speaking, as nations, those under the Mohammedan yoke, must be allowed far inferior in march of mind and civilization, and even centuries behind them in improvements. The system does not keep pace with the increased and growing information of the times, perhaps it may have nearly reached the grand climacteric, for it may be truly said,
"Vix ultra quo jam progrediatur habet."